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Filters: Keyword is chemical control and Author is Donald Nelson Hyder  [Clear All Filters]
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C. Scott Cooper, Hubbert, F., Hyder, D. Nelson, Sawyer, W. A., and Sneva, F. A., The Stockman's Laboratory -- Field Day Report, Squaw Butte-Harney Range and Livestock Experiment Station, 1953.
D. Nelson Hyder and Sneva, F. A., Selective Control of Big Sagebrush Associated with Bitterbrush, Journal of Range Management, vol. 15, no. 4, p. 211, 1962.
D. Nelson Hyder and Sneva, F. A., Sagebrush control in Oregon, 11th Annual meeting of the American Society of Range Management . Phoenix, AZ, 1958.
D. Nelson Hyder and Sneva, F. A., Sagebrush control in Oregon, 11th Annual meeting of the American Society of Range Management. Phoenix, AZ, 1985.