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“Beef Research Report - 2010 Edition”. Oregon State University Beef Cattle Sciences 2010 Edition, 2010.
, “Challenges and limitations to native species restoration in the Great Basin, USA”, Plant Ecology, no. 1v1111, pp. 81 - 94, 2017.
, “Demographic processes limiting seedling recruitment in arid grassland restoration”, Journal of Applied Ecology, vol. 4856201455454102545231791199819069541344161772735011397343178137824832413548434459911444, no. 4, pp. 961 - 969, 2011.
, “Effects of Long-Term Livestock Grazing on Fuel Characteristics in Rangelands: An Example From the Sagebrush Steppe”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 63, no. 6, pp. 662 - 669, 2010.
, “Herbaceous Succession After Burning of Cut Western Juniper Trees”, Western North American Naturalist, vol. 69, no. 1, pp. 9 - 25, 2009.
, “Herbaceous succession after burning of cut western juniper trees”, Western North American Naturalist, vol. 69, pp. 9–25, 2009.
, “Interaction of historical and nonhistorical disturbances maintains native plant communities”, Ecological Applications, vol. 193923605913, no. 6, pp. 1536 - 1545, 2009.
, “Limitations to Postfire Seedling Establishment: The Role of Seeding Technology, Water Availability, and Invasive Plant Abundance”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 63, no. 4, pp. 491 - 495, 2010.
, “Long-term Plant Succession after Juniper Cutting”. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2006.
, “The Sage-Grouse Habitat Mortgage: Effective Conifer Management in Space and Time”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 70, no. 1, pp. 141 - 148, 2017.