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M. T. Morrissey and Sylvia, G., Pacific whiting value-added product report: Spring, 1995 : summary of product development research 1993-1994. [Newport, Or.] : Coastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station, Oregon State University, 1995, p. 26 p. :.
J. J. Jenkins, Pesticide Monitoring in Hood River Area Streams. 2004.
S. Gouthu, Morre, J., Maier, C. S., and Deluc, L. G., Phytochemicals, Plant Growth, and the EnvironmentAn Analytical Method to Quantify Three Plant Hormone Families in Grape Berry Using Liquid Chromatography and Multiple Reaction Monitoring Mass Spectrometry. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2012, pp. 19 - 36.
J. R. Myers, Baggett, J. R., and Lamborn, C., Plant Breeding Reviews Origin, History, and Genetic Improvement of the Snap Pea ( Pisum sativum L.), vol. 29281653531288212713010795154040402922107111112151819977521117274971538012997154107261016185889341317307975281061067235056. Oxford, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2010, pp. 93 - 138.
W. A. J. de Milliano, van Bueren, E. T. Lammert, Voorrips, R. E., and Myers, J. R., Plant Diseases and Their Management in Organic AgricultureCHAPTER 4.5: Resistance and Resistance Breeding for Organic Farming. The American Phytopathological Society, 2017, pp. 175 - 187.
V. H. Dale and Denton, E. M., Plant Succession on the Mount St. Helens Debris-Avalanche Deposit and the Role of Non-native Species. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2018, pp. 149 - 164.
E. Ortega-Rivas, Ed., Processing Effects on Safety and Quality of Foods, vol. 11. CRC Press, 2010.
P. M. Davis and Qian, M. C., Progress on Volatile Sulfur Compound Analysis in Wine, vol. 1068. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 2011, pp. 93 - 115.
J. Yeon Kwon, Byun, S., and Lee, K. Won, Proteomics in Understanding the Molecular Basis of Phytochemicals for Health. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2015, pp. 328 - 337.
Book Chapter
C. Miles, Granatstein, D., Huggins, D., Jones, S., and Myers, J. R., Pacific Northwest (U.S.): Diverse, movements toward sustainability amid a variety of challenges, in Gliessman, S.R. and M. Rosemeyer (Eds). The Conversion to Sustainable Agroecosystems: Principles, Processes, and Practices, Advances in Agroecology Series., Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press Taylor and Francis Group, 2010, pp. 91-116.
M. A. Kutzler, Paraphimosis, in Clinical Veterinary Advisor, 2nd ed., Philadelphia: Elsevier-Mosby, 2009.
R. A.S. and A.D., B., Passing the test on wheat end-use quality, in Wheat: science and trade, 2009.
M. A. Kutzler, Pathophysiology of the Penis, in Mechanisms of Disease in Small Animal Surgery, 3rd ed., Jackson: Teton NewMedia, 2010.
J. Lehmann, Abiven, S., Kleber, M., Pan, G., Singh, B. P., Sohi, S., and Zimmerman, A., Persistence of Biochar in Soil, in Biochar for Environmental Management: Science, Technology and Implementation, Second., 2015.
S. I. Rondon, Pest management strategies for potato insect pests in the Pacific Northwest of the United States, in Insecticides - Pest Engineering, 2012, pp. 309-333.
P. Jepson, M Murray, K., O, B., D., K., F, N., JK, M., T, M. C., D, O., I, N., K, A., S, B., and De Groote, H., Pesticide Hazard and Risk Management and Compatibility with IPM, in Fall Armyworm in Africa: A guide for integrated pest management, First., 2018.
P. Basu, Chakrabarti, P., Biswas, S., Mitra, M. K., and Bar, R., Pesticides and the Muted Buzz of the Bees, in Environmental impacts on health: towards a better future, Kolkata: Kolkata Readers Service, 2015.
D. B. Hannaway, Brewer, L., Fransen, S. C., Shewmaker, G., Williams, S., and Baker, S., Planning and Sowing Grasslands, in Improving Grassland and Pasture Management in Temperate Agriculture, Cambridge, UK: Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited, 2017.
R. L. Flitcroft, Little, C., Cabrera, J., and Arismendi, I., Planning ecologically: the importance of management at catchment scales, in Freshwater Ecosystems in Protected Areas Conservation and Management., Oxford, UK: Taylor and Francis.
L. Cooper and Jaiswal, P., The Plant Ontology: A Tool for Plant Genomics., in Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), vol. 1374, 2016, pp. 89-114.
P. Jaiswal and Usadel, B., Plant Pathway Databases., in Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), vol. 1374, 2016, pp. 71-87.
D. A. Albert, Tepley, A. J., and Minc, L. D., Plants as indicators for Lake Michigan’s Great Lakes coastal drowned river wetland health, in Coastal Wetlands of the Laurentian Great Lakes: Heath, Habitat, and Indicators, Bloomington, IN.: Authorhouse Press, 2007.
P. Basu, Bhattacharya, R., Chakrabarti, P., and Poyyamoli, G., Pollination crises in the agro-ecosystems of the tropics: challenges and way forward, in Agroecology, ecosystems and sustainability in the tropics, New Delhi: Studera Press, 2007.
M. A. Kutzler, Post-partum disorders of the bitch, in Kirk’s Current Veterinary Therapy XIV, St. Louis, MO: Elsevier-Saunders, 2008.
M. Blue, Jensen, A. S., and Rondon, S. I., Potato Pests Chapter, in Pacific Northwest Insect Management Handbook, Pacific Northwest Pest Management Handbooks, 2016.