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Journal Article
I. Arismendi, Safeeq, M., Johnson, S. L., Dunham, J. B., and HAGGERTY, R. O. Y., Increasing synchrony of high temperature and low flow in western North American streams: double trouble for coldwater biota?, Hydrobiologia, vol. 712, no. 1, pp. 61 - 70, 2013.
I. Arismendi, Szejner, P., Lara, A., and ález, M. E., Impacto del castor en la estructura de bosques ribereños de Nothofagus pumilio en Tierra del Fuego, Chile, Bosque (Valdivia), vol. 29, no. 2, 2008.
S. M. Marr, Olden, J. D., Leprieur, F., Arismendi, I., Ćaleta, M., Morgan, D. L., Nocita, A., Šanda, R., A. Tarkan, S., and García-Berthou, E., A global assessment of freshwater fish introductions in mediterranean-climate regions, Hydrobiologia, vol. 719, no. 1, pp. 317 - 329, 2013.
S. M. Marr, Marchetti, M. P., Olden, J. D., García-Berthou, E., Morgan, D. L., Arismendi, I., Day, J. A., Griffiths, C. L., and Skelton, P. H., Freshwater fish introductions in mediterranean-climate regions: are there commonalities in the conservation problem?, Diversity and Distributions, vol. 16, no. 4, pp. 606 - 619, 2010.
I. Arismendi and Penaluna, B. E., Examining Diversity Inequities in Fisheries Science: A Call to Action, BioScience, vol. 66, no. 7, pp. 584 - 591, 2016.
P. V. Vargas, Arismendi, I., Lara, G., Millar, J., and Peredo, S., Evidencia de solapamiento de micro-hábitat entre juveniles del salmón introducido Oncorhynchus tshawytscha y el pez nativo Trichomycterus areolatus en el río Allipén, Chile, Revista de biología marina y oceanografía, vol. 45, no. 2, 2010.
B. E. Penaluna, Arismendi, I., and Soto, D., Evidence of Interactive Segregation between Introduced Trout and Native Fishes in Northern Patagonian Rivers, Chile, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, vol. 13, no. 4, pp. 839 - 845, 2009.
P. V. Vargas, Arismendi, I., and Gomez-Uchida, D., Evaluating taxonomic homogenization of freshwater fish assemblages in Chile, Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, no. 16, 2015.
D. Soto, Arismendi, I., DI PRINZIO, C. E. C. I. L. I. A., and JARA, F. E. R. N. A. N. D. O., Establishment of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) in Pacific basins of southern South America and its potential ecosystem implications, Revista chilena de historia natural, vol. 80, no. 1, 2007.
M. Sepúlveda, Arismendi, I., Soto, D., Jara, F., and Farias, F., Escaped farmed salmon and trout in Chile: incidence, impacts, and the need for an ecosystem view, Aquaculture Environment Interactions, vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 273 - 283, 2013.
I. Arismendi, Penaluna, B. E., Dunham, J. B., de Leaniz, C. García, Soto, D., Fleming, I. A., Gomez-Uchida, D., Gajardo, G., Vargas, P. V., and León-Muñoz, J., Differential invasion success of salmonids in southern Chile: patterns and hypotheses, Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 919 - 941, 2014.
I. Arismendi, Johnson, S. L., Dunham, J. B., and HAGGERTY, R. O. Y., Descriptors of natural thermal regimes in streams and their responsiveness to change in the Pacific Northwest of North America, Freshwater Biology, vol. 58, no. 5, pp. 880 - 894, 2013.
M. Safeeq, Mauger, G. S., Grant, G. E., Arismendi, I., Hamlet, A. F., and Lee, S. - Y., Comparing Large-Scale Hydrological Model Predictions with Observed Streamflow in the Pacific Northwest: Effects of Climate and Groundwater*, Journal of Hydrometeorology, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 2501 - 2521, 2014.
I. Arismendi, Safeeq, M., Dunham, J. B., and Johnson, S. L., Can air temperature be used to project influences of climate change on stream temperature?, Environmental Research Letters, vol. 9, no. 8, p. 084015, 2014.
I. Arismendi, Penaluna, B., and Soto, D., Body condition indices as a rapid assessment of the abundance of introduced salmonids in oligotrophic lakes of southern Chile, Lake and Reservoir Management, vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 61 - 69, 2011.
A. Lara, Little, C., Urrutia, R., McPhee, J., Álvarez-Garretón, C., ún, C., Soto, D., Donoso, P., Nahuelhual, L., Pino, M., and Arismendi, I., Assessment of ecosystem services as an opportunity for the conservation and management of native forests in Chile, Forest Ecology and Management, vol. 258, no. 4, pp. 415 - 424, 2009.
I. Arismendi and Soto, D., Are salmon-derived nutrients being incorporated in food webs of invaded streams? Evidence from southern Chile, Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, no. 405, p. 01, 2012.
I. Arismendi, Soto, D., Penaluna, B., JARA, C. A. R. L. O. S., LEAL, C. A. R. L. O. S., and ón-Muñoz, J., Aquaculture, non-native salmonid invasions and associated declines of native fishes in Northern Patagonian lakes, Freshwater Biology, vol. 54, no. 5, pp. 1135 - 1147, 2009.
Book Chapter
R. L. Flitcroft, Little, C., Cabrera, J., and Arismendi, I., Planning ecologically: the importance of management at catchment scales, in Freshwater Ecosystems in Protected Areas Conservation and Management., Oxford, UK: Taylor and Francis.
D. Soto and Arismendi, I., Ichthyic fauna of Bueno River basin: affluent relevance in native species conservation, in Ecology and biodiversity in forest of coastal corridor of Chile, 2005.