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P. Konstantinidis, Jaafar, Z., Warth, P., Stoll, M., and Hossfeld, U., Rediscovery of oxudercine type specimens (Teleostei: Gobiidae) assumed destroyed during World War II, Ichthyological Research, vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 123 - 130, 2017.
M. L. Moretti and Hanson, B. D., Reduced translocation is involved in resistance to glyphosate and paraquat in Conyza bonariensis and Conyza canadensis from California, Weed Research, vol. 57, pp. 25–34, 2017.
J. Parke, Funahashi, F., Weidman, C., and Peterson, E. K., Relative heat sensitivities of certain Phytophthora spp. and the potential for soil solarization to disinfest nursery beds in west coast states, Proceedings of the sudden oak death sixth science symposium, vol. GTR-PSW-255, pp. 49-50, 2017.
M. Louhaichi, Hassan, S., Clifton, K., and Johnson, D. E., A reliable & non-destructive method for estimating forage shrub cover & biomass in arid environments using digital vegetation charting technique, Agroforestry Systems, no. 5A36421412231212001200135–364361, 2017.
L. Truong, Zaikova, T., Schaeublin, N., Kim, K., Hussain, S., Hutchison, J., and TANGUAY, R., Residual weakly bound ligands influence biological compatibility of mixed ligand shell, thiol-stabilized gold nanoparticles, Environmental Science: Nano, vol. 4, no. 8, 2017.
L. Truong, Zaikova, T., Schaeublin, N. M., Kim, K. - T., Hussain, S. M., Hutchison, J. E., and Tanguay, R. L., Residual weakly bound ligands influence biological compatibility of mixed ligand shell{,} thiol-stabilized gold nanoparticles, Environ. Sci.: Nano, vol. 4, pp. 1634-1646, 2017.
K. W. Davies and Bates, J. D., Restoring big sagebrush after controlling encroaching western juniper with fire: aspect and subspecies effects, Restoration Ecology, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 33 - 41, 2017.
D. B. Hannaway, Restoring Desertified Rocky Karst Landscapes and Strengthening Guizhou’s Forage-Livestock Sector. 2017.
J. Field and Seow, J., Review of Fluorotelomer Sulfonates: Properties, Analysis, and Sources of Human and Ecosystem Exposure, Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, vol. 47, no. 8, pp. 643 - 691, 2017.
M. Ferrari, Review of Judith Butler, Senses of the Subject (Fordham University Press, 2015), Chiasmi International, vol. 19, pp. 475–84, 2017.
S. Kolluri, Jin, U. - H., and Safe, S., Role of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor in carcinogenesis and potential as an anti-cancer drug target., Arch Toxicol, vol. 91, no. 7, pp. 2497-2513, 2017.
A. Iezzoni, Peace, C., Main, D., Bassil, N., Coe, M., Finn, C. E., Gasic, K., Luby, J., Hokanson, S., McFerson, J., Norelli, J., Olmstead, M., Whitaker, V., and Yue, C., RosBREED2: progress and future plans to enable DNA-informed breeding in the Rosaceae, Acta Horticulturae, no. 1172, pp. 115 - 118, 2017.
J. J. Wu, Weber, B., and Partridge, M., Rural-Urban Interdependency: A Framework Integrating Regional, Urban and Environmental Economic Insights, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 99, no. 2, pp. 464-480, 2017.
P. Fierro, Quilodrán, L., Bertrán, C., Arismendi, I., Tapia, J., Peña-Cortés, F., Hauenstein, E., Arriagada, R., Fernández, E., and Vargas-Chacoff, L., Rainbow Trout diets and macroinvertebrates assemblages responses from watersheds dominated by native and exotic plantations, Ecological Indicators, vol. 60, pp. 655 - 667, 2016.
A. Mirzabaev, Ahmed, M., Werner, J., Pender, J., and Louhaichi, M., Rangelands of Central Asia: challenges and opportunities, Journal of Arid Land, vol. 891830105921182977524122433356604826822517, no. 11–312334321311241123461, pp. 93 - 108, 2016.
Y. Ha Kim, Hur, J. Haeng, Lee, G. Seok, Choi, M. - Y., and Koh, Y. Ho, Rapid and highly accurate detection of Drosophila suzukii, spotted wing Drosophila (Diptera: Drosophilidae) by loop-mediated isothermal amplification assays, Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology, vol. 19, pp. 1211–1216, 2016.
R. W. Smiley, Machado, S., Rhinhart, K., Reardon, C. L., and Wuest, S. B., Rapid Quantification of Soilborne Pathogen Communities in Wheat-Based Long-Term Field Experiments, Plant Disease, vol. 100, no. 8, pp. 1692-1708, 2016.
K. J. Green, Rondon, S. I., Crosslin, J. M., and Karasev, A. V., Recombination analysis of the whole genomes for three isolates of Beet curly top virus from beet leafhoppers collected in Oregon, in Annual Meeting of the Pacific Division of the American Phytopathological Society, La Conner, Washington, 2016.
L. Brewer, Sullivan, D. M., Deol, P., and Angima, S. D., Reducing Lead Hazard in Gardens and Play Areas. Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University Extension Service, 2016.
A. Mirkouei, Mirzaie, P., Haapala, K. R., Sessions, J., and Murthy, G. S., Reducing the cost and environmental impact of integrated fixed and mobile bio-oil refinery supply chains, Journal of Cleaner Production, vol. 113, pp. 495–507, 2016.
L. Meunier-Goddik and Sandra, S., Reference Module in Food ScienceLiquid Milk Products: Pasteurized Milk ☆. Elsevier, 2016.
C. Brekken, Regional Food Networks: Understanding and Designing Long-Term Resilience in the US Food System. 2016.
C. Brekken, Regional Food Networks: Understanding and Designing Long-Term Resilience in the US Food System. 2016.