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T. Okada and Morrissey, M. T., Recovery and characterization of sardine oil extracted by pH adjustment., J Agric Food Chem, vol. 55, no. 5, pp. 1808-13, 2007.
M. Oremus, Leqata, J., and Baker, C. S., Resumption of traditional drive hunting of dolphins in the Solomon Islands in 2013, Royal Society Open Science, vol. 2101542421448925336191052225, no. 5451, pp. 140524 - 140524, 2015.
L. P-P, TA, M., N, F., KD, K., H, N., and JC, C., Repression of AUXIN RESPONSE FACTOR10 by microRNA160 is critical for seed germination and post-germination stages, The Plant Journal, vol. 52, pp. 133-146, 2007.
L. Painter, RESEARCH ARTICLE: Redefining Old-Growth in Forested Wetlands of Western Washington, Environmental Practice, vol. 11, no. 02, p. 68, 2009.
L. E. Painter, Beschta, R. L., Larsen, E. J., and Ripple, W. J., Recovering aspen follow changing elk dynamics in Yellowstone: evidence of a trophic cascade?, Ecology, vol. 96, no. 1, pp. 252 - 263, 2015.
A. K. Panda and Cherian, G., Role of Vitamin E in Counteracting Oxidative Stress in Poultry, The Journal of Poultry Science, 2013.
C. E. Paquette, Kent, M. L., Buchner, C., Tanguay, R. L., Guillemin, K., Mason, T. J., and Peterson, T. S., A Retrospective Study of the Prevalence and Classification of Intestinal Neoplasia in Zebrafish ( Danio Rerio ), Zebrafish, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 228 - 236, 2013.
C. E. Paquette, Kent, M. L., Buchner, C., Tanguay, R. L., Guillemin, K., Mason, T. J., and Peterson, T. S., A retrospective study of the prevalence and classification of intestinal neoplasia in zebrafish (Danio rerio)., Zebrafish, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 228-36, 2013.
M. A. Pardo, Silverberg, N., Gendron, D., Beier, E., and Palacios, D. M., Role of environmental seasonality in the turnover of a cetacean community in the southwestern Gulf of California, Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 487, pp. 245 - 260, 2013.
J. L. Parke and Lewis, C., Root and Stem Infection of Rhododendron from Potting Medium Infested with Phytophthora ramorum, Plant Disease, vol. 91, no. 10, pp. 1265 - 1270, 2007.
J. Parke, Funahashi, F., Weidman, C., and Peterson, E. K., Relative heat sensitivities of certain Phytophthora spp. and the potential for soil solarization to disinfest nursery beds in west coast states, Proceedings of the sudden oak death sixth science symposium, vol. GTR-PSW-255, pp. 49-50, 2017.
J. Parke, Reducing Phytophthora: these top 10 tips will help prevent this group of pathogens from taking hold, Digger, 2010.
C. L. Phillips, Gregg, J. W., and Wilson, J. K., Reduced diurnal temperature range does not change warming impacts on ecosystem carbon balance of Mediterranean grassland mesocosms, Global Change Biology, vol. 17, no. 11, pp. 3263 - 3273, 2011.
F. B. Pierson, Bates, J. D., Svejcar, T., and Hardegree, S. P., Runoff and erosion after cutting western juniper, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 60, pp. 285–292, 2007.
K. L. Pinckard, Stellflug, J., Resko, J. A., Roselli, C. E., and Stormshak, F., Review: brain aromatization and other factors affecting male reproductive behavior with emphasis on the sexual orientation of rams☆, Domestic Animal Endocrinology, vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 83 - 96, 2000.
B. Place, Anderson, B., Mekebri, A., Furlong, E. T., Gray, J. L., Tjeerdema, R., and Field, J., A role for analytical chemistry in advancing our understanding of the occurrence, fate, and effects of Corexit oil dispersants, Environmental science & technology, vol. 44, pp. 6016–6018, 2010.
K. J. Ponte, Retaining Soil Moisture in the American Southwest. Santa Fe: Sunstone Press, 2003.
S. Poowakanjana, Rheological and spectroscopic characterization of surimi under various comminuting and heating condition, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, 2012.