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K. M. Kibler and Tullos, D., Cumulative biophysical impact of small and large hydropower development in Nu River, China, Water Resources Research, vol. 49, pp. 3104–3118, 2013.
H. - J. Kim, Park, S. - H., and Kim, H. - Y., Comparison of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium LT2 and non-LT2 salmonella genomic sequences, and genotyping of salmonellae by using PCR., Appl Environ Microbiol, vol. 72, no. 9, pp. 6142-51, 2006.
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H. Kim, Kim, B. Yong, Gunasekaran, S., Park, J. Won, and Yoon, W. Byong, Comparison of concentration dependence of mechanical modulus in two biopolymer gel systems using scaling analysis, Food Science and Biotechnology, vol. 22, pp. 1601–1606, 2013.
D. A. King, Bachelet, D., and Symstad, A. J., Climate change and fire effects on a prairie-woodland ecotone: projecting species range shifts with a dynamic global vegetation model., Ecol Evol, vol. 3, no. 15, pp. 5076-97, 2013.
D. A. King, Bachelet, D., and Symstad, A. J., Climate change and fire effects on a prairie–woodland ecotone: projecting species range shifts with a dynamic global vegetation model, Ecology and evolution, vol. 3, pp. 5076–5097, 2013.
M. Kleber, Sollins, P., and Sutton, R., A conceptual model of organo-mineral interactions in soils: self-assembly of organic molecular fragments into zonal structures on mineral surfaces, Biogeochemistry, vol. 85, no. 1, pp. 9 - 24, 2007.
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A. L. Knecht, Goodale, B. C., Truong, L., Simonich, M. T., Swanson, A. J., Matzke, M. M., Anderson, K. A., Waters, K. M., and Tanguay, R. L., Comparative developmental toxicity of environmentally relevant oxygenated PAHs, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, vol. 271, no. 2, pp. 266 - 275, 2013.
A. L. Knecht, Goodale, B. C., Truong, L., Simonich, S. L. Massey, Swanson, A. J., Matzke, M. M., Anderson, K. A., Waters, K. M., and Tanguay, R. L., Comparative developmental toxicity of environmentally relevant oxygenated PAHs., Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, vol. 271, no. 2, pp. 266-75, 2013.
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M. G. Kramer, Lajtha, K., Thomas, G., and SOLLINS, P. H. I. L. L. I. P., Contamination effects on soil density fractions from high N or C content sodium polytungstate, Biogeochemistry, vol. 9, no. 1-2, pp. 177 - 181, 2009.
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D. Kumar, Juneja, A., Hohenschuh, W., Williams, J. D., and Murthy, G., Chemical composition of lignocellulosic feedstock from Pacific Northwest conservation buffers, in Agricultural Engineering International, 2012.
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