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M. C. Rodrigues, Cooke, R. F., Marques, R. S., Arispe, S. A., Keisler, D. H., and Bohnert, D. W., Meloxicam as an Alternative to Alleviate Inflammatory and Acute-Phase Reactions in Beef Cattle Upon Lipopolysaccharide Administration or Vaccination, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science, 2015.
E. Roh, Kim, J. - E., Kwon, J. Yeon, Park, J. Seong, Bode, A. M., Dong, Z., and Lee, K. Won, Molecular mechanisms of green tea polyphenols with protective effects against skin photoaging., Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr, vol. 57, no. 8, pp. 1631-1637, 2017.
S. I. Rondon and Murphy, A. F., More about beet leafhoppers, Potato Progress, vol. 13, p. January 2013, 2013.
S. I. Rondon and Antwi, J., Managing Lygus on potatoes in the Columbia Basin: should we care?, Washington-Oregon Annual Conference. Kennewick, Washington, p. 56, 2017.
S. I. Rondon, Monitoring corn earworm in eastern Oregon, 69th annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference. Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, Portland, Oregon, pp. 29-32, 2010.
S. I. Rondon and Murphy, A. F., Monitoring and controlling the beet leafhopper Circulifer tenellus in the Columbia Basin, American Journal of Potato Research, vol. 93, no. 1, pp. 80-85, 2016.
S. I. Rondon and Munyaneza, J. E., Managing the beet leafhopper in the Columbia Basin, American Journal of Potato Research, vol. 88, pp. 29-71, 2011.
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A. S. Ross, Bettge, A. D., Kongraksawech, T., and Engle, D. A., Measuring Oxidative Gelation of Aqueous Flour Suspensions Using the Rapid Visco Analyzer, Cereal Chemistry Journal, vol. 91, no. 4, pp. 374 - 377, 2014.
M. M. Rowland, Nielson, R. M., Bohnert, D. W., Endress, B. A., Wisdom, M. J., and Averett, J. P., Modeling Riparian Use by Cattle – Influence of Management, Season, and Weather, Rangeland Ecology & Management, 2024.
D. E. Rupp, Selker, J., and Šimunek, J., A Modification to the Bouwer and Rice Method of Slug-Test Analysis for Large-Diameter, Hand-Dug Wells, Ground Water, vol. 39, pp. 308–314, 2001.
K. A. Rykbost, James, S. R., Mosley, A. R., Charlton, B. A., Hane, D. C., Eldredge, E., Voss, R., Johansen, R. H., Love, S. L., Thornton, R. E., and Shock, C. C., Modoc: A potato variety with bright red skin and early maturity for fresh market, American Journal of Potato Research, vol. 80, no. 4, pp. 235 - 240, 2003.
J. Kumar Sahu, Kumar, D., Murthy, G. S., and Tiwari, G., Microwave and Radio Frequency Heating of Food Products, in Introduction to Advanced Food Process Engineering, CRC Press, 2014, pp. 3–30.
Y. M. Sanad, Johnson, K., Park, S. Hong, Han, J., Deck, J., Foley, S. L., Kenney, B., Ricke, S., and Nayak, R., Molecular Characterization of Salmonella enterica Serovars Isolated from a Turkey Production Facility in the Absence of Selective Antimicrobial Pressure., Foodborne Pathog Dis, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 80-7, 2016.
S. Sandra, Stanford, M. A., Mcdaniel, M. R., and Meunier-Goddik, L., Method Development for Assessing the Complete Process of Crumbling Cheese Using Hand Evaluation, Journal of Food Science, vol. 69714567743, no. 4, pp. SNQ127 - SNQ130, 2004.
C. Sayde, Moreno, D., Legrand, C., Dong, J., Steele-Dunne, S. C., Ochsner, T., and Selker, J., Monitoring soil water dynamics at 0.1-1000 m scales using active DTS: the MOISST experience, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014.
C. Sayde, Buelga, J. Benitez, Rodriguez-Sinobas, L., Khoury, L. El, English, M., Van De Giesen, N., and Selker, J., Mapping variability of soil water content and flux across 1–1000 m scales using the actively heated fiber optic method, Water Resources Research, vol. 50, pp. 7302–7317, 2014.
M. C. Schantz, Hardegree, S. P., James, J. J., Sheley, R., and Becchetti, T., Modeling Weather Effects on Plant Production in the California Annual Grassland, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 87, pp. 177 - 184, 2023.
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