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V. D. Zheljazkov, Cantrell, C. L., Donega, M. Augusto, Astatkie, T., and Heidel, B., Podophyllotoxin Concentration in Junipers in the Big Horn Mountains in Wyoming, HortScience, vol. 47, pp. 1696-1697, 2012.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Cantrell, C. L., Donega, M. Augusto, Astatkie, T., and Heidel, B., Podophyllotoxin Concentration in Junipers in the Big Horn Mountains in Wyoming, HortScience, vol. 47, no. 12, 2012.
C. L. Cantrell, Zheljazkov, V. D., Osbrink, W. L. A., Castro, A., Maddox, V., Craker, L. E., and Astatkie, T., Podophyllotoxin and essential oil profile of Juniperus and related species, Industrial Crops and Products, vol. 43, pp. 668-676, 2013.
C. L. Cantrell, Zheljazkov, V. D., Osbrink, W. L. A., Castro, A., Maddox, V., Craker, L. E., and Astatkie, T., Podophyllotoxin and essential oil profile of Juniperus and related species, Industrial Crops and Products, vol. 43, pp. 668 - 676, 2013.
A. G. Hulting, PNW Weed Management Handbook-Restricted Use Herbicides, Winter Wheat-West of the Cascades, Grass Seed Crops, Clover Seed, Managing Small Pastures to Reduce Weed Problems and Camelina Chapters, WEED, 2011.
J. Pscheidt and Ocamb, C., PNW Plant Disease Management Handbook, 2016.
C. Brekken, PNW Farm Direct Marketing Series, Oregon State Extension Service. 2016.
C. Roper, Delgado, L. Santiago, Barrett, D., Simonich, S. L. Massey, and Tanguay, R. L., PM Filter Extraction Methods: Implications for Chemical and Toxicological Analyses., Environ Sci Technol, 2018.
J. J. Rothleutner, Friddle, M. W., and Contreras, R., Ploidy Levels, Relative Genome Sizes, and Base Pair Composition in Cotoneaster, Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, vol. 141, no. 5, pp. 457 - 466, 2016.
J. D. Lattier and Contreras, R., Ploidy and Genome Size in Lilac Species, Cultivars, and Interploid Hybrids, Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, vol. 142, no. 5, pp. 355 - 366, 2017.
D. Bachelet, Ferschweiler, K., Hamilton, H., and Conklin, D. R., Plethora of GCMs, RCMs, emission scenarios cause fireworks of climate change impacts, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2011.
D. Bachelet, Ferschweiler, K., Hamilton, H., and Conklin, D. R., Plethora of GCMs, RCMs, emission scenarios cause fireworks of climate change impacts, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2011.
J. L. Sanders, Lawrence, C., Nichols, D. K., Brubaker, J. F., Peterson, T. S., M Murray, K., and Kent, M. L., Pleistophora hyphessobryconis (Microsporidia) infecting zebrafish Danio rerio in research facilities, Diseases of Aquatic Organisms, vol. 91, no. 1, pp. 47 - 56, 2010.
R. M. Gilbert, Bird, K. E., and Kutzler, M. A., Platelet aggregation responses in clinically healthy adult llamas, Veterinary Clinical Pathology, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 42 - 45, 2009.
J. S. Osorio and Bionaz, M., Plasmid transfection in bovine cells: Optimization using a realtime monitoring of green fluorescent protein and effect on gene reporter assay, Gene, vol. 626, pp. 200 - 208, 2017.
J. S. Osorio and Bionaz, M., Plasmid transfection in bovine cells: Optimization using a realtime monitoring of green fluorescent protein and effect on gene reporter assay., Gene, vol. 626, pp. 200-208, 2017.
R. F. Cooke, Cappellozza, B. Ieda, Reis, M. M., Bohnert, D. W., and Vasconcelos, J. L. M., Plasma progesterone concentration in beef heifers receiving exogenous glucose, insulin, or bovine somatotropin1, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 9045174176944185768873431281678749181873269859038749362587567708471377711274609382398121, no. 9Suppl. 3ESuppl. 2, pp. 3266 - 3273, 2012.
M. Bionaz, Trevisi, E., Calamari, L., Librandi, F., Ferrari, A., and Bertoni, G., Plasma paraoxonase, health, inflammatory conditions, and liver function in transition dairy cows., J Dairy Sci, vol. 90, no. 4, pp. 1740-50, 2007.
C. B. Schreck, Lackey, R. T., and M. Hopwood, L., Plasma oestrogen levels in rainbow trout Salmo gairdneri Richardson, Journal of Fish Biology, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 227 - 230, 1973.
S. J. Filley, Turner, H. A., and Stormshak, F., Plasma fatty acids, prostaglandin F2alpha metabolite, and reproductive response in postpartum heifers fed rumen bypass fat., Journal of Animal Science, vol. 78, no. 1, p. 139, 2000.
R. A. Mentor-Marcel, Bobe, G., Sardo, C., Wang, L. - S., Kuo, C. - T., Stoner, G., and Colburn, N. H., Plasma Cytokines as Potential Response Indicators to Dietary Freeze-Dried Black Raspberries in Colorectal Cancer Patients, Nutrition and Cancer, vol. 64, no. 6, pp. 820 - 825, 2012.
G. Bertoni, Trevisi, E., Lombardelli, R., and Bionaz, M., Plasma cortisol variations in dairy cows after some usual or unusual manipulations, Italian Journal of Animal Science, vol. 4, no. sup2, pp. 200 - 202, 2005.
H. Saito and Gopinath, M., Plants’ self-selection, agglomeration economies and regional productivity in Chile, Journal of Economic Geography, vol. 9, pp. 539–558, 2009.
G. Langellotto, Plants for pollinators, The Digger, 2013.
G. Langellotto, Plants for Pollinators, The Digger, 2013.