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M. Keiluweit, Kleber, M., Sparrow, M. A., Simoneit, B. R. T., and Prahl, F. G., Solvent-Extractable Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Biochar: Influence of Pyrolysis Temperature and Feedstock, Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 46, no. 17, pp. 9333 - 9341, 2012.
P. L. Kennedy and Fontaine, J. B., Synthesis of Knowledge on the Effects of Fire and Fire Surrogates on Wildlife in U.S. Dry Forests, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, 2009.
P. L. Kennedy, Bartuszevige, A. M., Houle, M., Humphrey, A. B., Dugger, K. M., and Williams, J. D., Stable occupancy by breeding hawks ( Buteo spp.) over 25 years on a privately managed bunchgrass prairie in northeastern Oregon, USA, The Condor, vol. 116, no. 3, pp. 435 - 445, 2014.
W. Herbert Kennick and Sawyer, W. A., Summary of Reports - Fifth Annual Beef Cattle Day, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1963.
J. G. Kie, Ager, A. A., Cimon, N. J., Wisdom, M. J., Rowland, M. M., Coe, P. K., Findholt, S. L., Johnson, B. K., and Vavra, M., The Starkey databases: spatial-environmental relations of North American elk, mule deer, and cattle at the Starkey Experimental Forest and Range in northeastern Oregon , Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 69. pp. 475-490, 2004.
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K. - T. Kim, Truong, L., Wehmas, L., and Tanguay, R. L., Silver nanoparticle toxicity in the embryonic zebrafish is governed by particle dispersion and ionic environment, Nanotechnology, vol. 24, no. 11, p. 115101, 2013.
C. Kimoto, DeBano, S. J., Thorp, R. W., Taylor, R. V., Schmalz, H., Delcurto, T., Johnson, T., Kennedy, P. L., and Rao, S., Short-term responses of native bees to livestock and implications for managing ecosystem services in grasslands, Ecosphere, vol. 3, no. 10, p. art88, 2012.
F. Kizito, Dragila, M. I., Sene, M., Lufafa, A., Diedhiou, I., Dick, R. P., Selker, J., Dossa, E., Khouma, M., Badiane, A., and , Seasonal soil water variation and root patterns between two semi-arid shrubs co-existing with Pearl millet in Senegal, West Africa, Journal of arid environments, vol. 67, pp. 436–455, 2006.
F. Kizito, Sene, M., Dragila, M. I., Lufafa, A., Diedhiou, I., Dossa, E., Cuenca, R. H., Selker, J., and Dick, R. P., Soil water balance of annual crop–native shrub systems in Senegal's Peanut Basin: The missing link, agricultural water management, vol. 90, pp. 137–148, 2007.
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M. Kleber and Stahr, K., Soil carbon balance in intensively managed, humid grasslands., Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Ökologie, 1997.
M. Kleber and Jahn, R., Soils of volcanic regions of Germany, in Soils of Volcanic Regions in Europe, 2007.
M. Kleber and Jahn, R., Soils of volcanic regions of Germany, in Soils of Volcanic Regions in Europe, 2007.
M. Klein and Rondon, S. I., Spatial and temporal analysis of aphids in eastern Oregon, 75th Annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference. Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, Portland, Oregon, pp. 62-64, 2016.
M. Klein and Rondon, S. I., Season long control of Thrips tabaci (Thyssanoptera: Thripidae) under field conditions in the Columbia Basin, Florida Entomologist, 2016.
M. Klein, Rondon, S. I., Walenta, D. L., Zeb, Q., and Murphy, A. F., Spatial and temporal dynamics of aphids (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in the Columbia Basin and Northeastern Oregon, Journal of Economic Entomology, 2017.
M. Klein and Rondon, S. I., Sampling potato psyllid (Bactericera cockerelli): an analysis of multiple monitoring techniques and interactions with crop environment, 74th Annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference. Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, Portland, Oregon, pp. 48-53, 2015.
P. Kleinman, Sullivan, D. M., Wolf, A., Brandt, R., Dou, Z., Elliott, H., Kovar, J., Leytem, A., Maguire, R., Moore, P., Saporito, L., Sharpley, A., Shober, A., Sims, T., Toth, J., Toor, G., Zhang, H., and Zhang, T., Selection of a Water-Extractable Phosphorus Test for Manures and Biosolids as an Indicator of Runoff Loss Potential, Journal of Environment Quality, vol. 36, no. 5, p. 1357, 2007.
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