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“Forage Evaluation”, Chapter in Beef Cattle Nutrition Workbook, 2005.
, “Selenium Fertilization of Pastures”, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science. 2001.
, “Ecosystem engineering in space and time”, Ecology Letters, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 153 - 164, 2007.
, “Ecosystem engineering in space and time.”, Ecol Lett, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 153-64, 2007.
, “High-Yield Tropical Biomass for Advanced Biofuels”, in Sun Grant National Conference, 2012.
“The Cost Of Land Use Regulation Versus The Value Of Individual Exemption: Oregon Ballot Measures 37 And 49”, Contemporary Economic Policy, vol. 30, pp. 195–214, 2012.
, “Flavor characteristics of lactic, malic, citric, and acetic acids at various pH levels”, Journal of Food Science, vol. 60, pp. 384–388, 1995.
, “The economics of alternative fuel reduction treatments in western United States dry forests: Financial and policy implications from the National Fire and Fire Surrogate Study”, Forest Policy and Economics, vol. 10, no. 6, pp. 344 - 354, 2008.
, “Gaps and Hotspots in the State of Knowledge of Pinyon-Juniper Communities”, Forest Ecology and Management, vol. 455, pp. 1-23, 2020.
, “Nutrient Management Guide Sweet Corn (Western Oregon)”, OSUES EM 9010-E. 2010.
, “Silage corn: western Oregon”, Extension Service, Oregon State University, 2009.
, “Nutrient management guide for sweet corn”, EM 9010-E. 2010.
, “Nutrient management for blueberries in Oregon”, Ore. State Univ. Ext. Serv. Pub. EM, vol. 8918, 2006.
“Sweet corn: western Oregon”, Extension Service, Oregon State University, 2010.
, “The field book for dairy manure applicators”, Pullman, Washington: Washington State University Extension, 2017.
, “Special Report 994: A Catherine Creek Study-Perspectives, 1995-1998: Mapping and Analysis of Catherine Creek Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1998.
, “Laboratory manual for landscape ecology: spatial analysis of landscape data.”, in Range Science Series Report #7, Corvallis, OR: Department of Rangeland Resources, Oregon State University, 2004, p. 300.
, “Special Report 994: A Catherine Creek Study-Perspectives, 1995-1998: An Update on the Catherine Creek Riparian Study”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1998.
, “Social Associations and Dominance of Individuals in Small Herds of Cattle”, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 339 - 349, 2007.
, “Special Report 994: A Catherine Creek Study-Perspectives, 1995-1998: Mapping and Analysis of Catherine Creek Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS)”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1998.
, “A brief history of sagebrush management in the Great Basin: From removal to reduction and beyond”, Rangelands, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 63 - 71, 2024.
, “Special Report 994: A Catherine Creek Study-Perspectives, 1995-1998: An Update on the Catherine Creek Riparian Study”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1998.
, , “Ontogeny of neurohormonal regulation of the cardiovascular system in the crayfish Procambarus clarkii”, Journal of Comparative Physiology B, vol. 171, pp. 577–583, 2001.