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K. M. Lebold, öhr, C. V., Barton, C. L., Miller, G. W., Labut, E. M., Tanguay, R. L., and Traber, M. G., Chronic vitamin E deficiency promotes vitamin C deficiency in zebrafish leading to degenerative myopathy and impaired swimming behavior, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, vol. 157, no. 4, pp. 382 - 389, 2013.
K. M. Lebold, Löhr, C. V., Barton, C. L., Miller, G. W., Labut, E. M., Tanguay, R. L., and Traber, M. G., Chronic vitamin E deficiency promotes vitamin C deficiency in zebrafish leading to degenerative myopathy and impaired swimming behavior., Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol, vol. 157, no. 4, pp. 382-9, 2013.
J. D. Lattier and Contreras, R., Colorimetric phenotyping of tetraploid progeny exhibiting incomplete dominance for flower color.. 2014.
K. S. lattier and Contreras, R., Chemical mutagenesis of Galtonia candicans Decne. results in altered morphology and reduced fertility, Proc. 60th Ann. SNA Res. Conf. 60:XXX-XXX. 2015.
C. Langpap, Conservation of Endangered Species: Can Incentives Work for Private Landowners? , Ecological Economics, vol. 57, no. 4, pp. 558-572, 2006.
C. Langpap, Conservation Incentives Programs for Endangered Species: An Analysis of Landowner Participation, Land Economics, vol. 80, no. 3, pp. 375-388, 2004.
S. A. S. Langie, Koppen, G., Desaulniers, D., Al-Mulla, F., Al-Temaimi, R., Amedei, A., Azqueta, A., Bisson, W. H., Brown, D., Brunborg, G., and , Causes of genome instability: the effect of low dose chemical exposures in modern society, Carcinogenesis, vol. 36, pp. S61–S88, 2015.
S. Lal, La Du, J., Tanguay, R. L., and Greenwood, J. A., Calpain 2 is required for the invasion of glioblastoma cells in the zebrafish brain microenvironment., J Neurosci Res, vol. 90, no. 4, pp. 769-81, 2012.
S. Lal, La Du, J. K., Tanguay, R. L., and Greenwood, J. A., Calpain 2 is required for the invasion of glioblastoma cells in the zebrafish brain microenvironment, Journal of Neuroscience Research, vol. 90, no. 4, pp. 769 - 781, 2012.
O. - P. Kuusela and Amacher, G. S., Changing Political Regimes and Tropical Deforestation, Environmental and Resource Economics, vol. 64, no. 3, pp. 445 - 463, 2016.
M. A. Kutzler, Current methods of twin reduction in the mare. , Animal Science, 2010.
M. A. Kutzler, Solter, P. F., Hoffman, W. E., and Volkmann, D. H., Characterization and localization of alkaline phosphatase in canine seminal plasma and gonadal tissues, Theriogenology, vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 299 - 306, 2003.
M. A. Kutzler, Lamb, S. V., and Volkmann, D., Comparison Between Vestibular and Subcutaneous Insertion of Deslorelin Implants for Oestrus Induction in Bitches, Reproduction in Domestic Animals, vol. 443625820686077666657, pp. 83 - 86, 2009.
L. W. Kutzler, Holmer, S. F., Boler, D. D., Carr, S. N., Ritter, M. J., Parks, C. W., McKeith, F. K., and Killefer, J., Comparison of varying doses and durations of ractopamine hydrochloride on late-finishing pig carcass characteristics and meat quality, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 89, no. 7, pp. 2176 - 2188, 2011.
M. A. Kutzler, Canine Neonatal Mortality, Clin Theriogenology, In Press.
D. Kumar, Juneja, A., Hohenschuh, W., Williams, J. D., and Murthy, G. S., Chemical composition and bioethanol potential of different plant species found in Pacific Northwest conservation buffers, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, vol. 4, p. 063114, 2012.
D. Kumar, Juneja, A., Hohenschuh, W., Williams, J. D., and Murthy, G., Chemical composition of lignocellulosic feedstock from Pacific Northwest conservation buffers, in Agricultural Engineering International, 2012.
J. Krueger-Mangold, Sheley, R., and Engel, R., Can R*s Predict Invasion in Semi-arid Grasslands?, Biological Invasions, vol. 88724729034248122561448458158758072412681626567727265754637216, no. 6, pp. 1343 - 1354, 2006.
W. Clement Krueger, Canopy cover and shade/stream temperature relastionships: I. Evaluation of techniques to measure canopy cover, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2003.
J. Kravchenko, Corsini, E., Williams, M. A., Decker, W., Manjili, M. H., Otsuki, T., Singh, N., Al-Mulla, F., Al-Temaimi, R., Amedei, A., and Bisson, W. H., Chemical compounds from anthropogenic environment and immune evasion mechanisms: potential interactions, Carcinogenesis, p. bgv033, 2015.
M. G. Kramer, Lajtha, K., Thomas, G., and SOLLINS, P. H. I. L. L. I. P., Contamination effects on soil density fractions from high N or C content sodium polytungstate, Biogeochemistry, vol. 9, no. 1-2, pp. 177 - 181, 2009.
A. R. Kowalewski, Schwartz, B. M., Grimshaw, A. L., Sullivan, D. G., and Peake, J. B., Correlations Between Bermudagrass Hybrid Morphology and Wear Tolerance, HortTechnology, 2015.
M. Koohmaraie, Killefer, J., Bishop, M., Shackelford, S., Wheeler, T., and Arbona, J., Calpastatin based methods for predicting meat tenderness, in Expression, Regulation and Role of Proteinases in Muscle Development and Meat Quality, 1993.
S. T. Knick, Connelly, J. W., Miller, R. F., Knick, S. T., Pyke, D. A., Meinke, C. W., Hanser, S. E., Wisdom, M. J., and Hild, A. L., Characteristics of Sagebrush Habitats and Limitations to Long-Term Conservation. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2011, pp. 144 - 184.
A. L. Knecht, Goodale, B. C., Truong, L., Simonich, M. T., Swanson, A. J., Matzke, M. M., Anderson, K. A., Waters, K. M., and Tanguay, R. L., Comparative developmental toxicity of environmentally relevant oxygenated PAHs, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, vol. 271, no. 2, pp. 266 - 275, 2013.