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K. - T. Kim and Tanguay, R. L., The role of chorion on toxicity of silver nanoparticles in the embryonic zebrafish assay, Environmental Health and Toxicology, vol. 29, p. e2014021, 2014.
K. - T. Kim and Tanguay, R. L., The role of chorion on toxicity of silver nanoparticles in the embryonic zebrafish assay., Environ Health Toxicol, vol. 29, p. e2014021, 2014.
S. Mangla, Sheley, R., James, J. J., and Radosevich, S. R., Role of competition in restoring resource poor arid systems dominated by invasive grasses, Journal of Arid Environments, vol. 75, no. 5, pp. 487 - 493, 2011.
F. J. Larney, Sullivan, D. M., Buckley, K. E., and Eghball, B., The role of composting in recycling manure nutrients, Canadian Journal of Soil Science, vol. 86, no. 4, pp. 597 - 611, 2006.
J. Lim and Johnson, M. B., The role of congruency in retronasal odor referral to the mouth, Chemical senses, vol. 37, pp. 515–522, 2012.
M. C. Schantz, Sheley, R., James, J. J., and Hamerlynck, E. P., Role of Dispersal Timing and Frequency in Annual Grass—Invaded Great Basin Ecosystems: How Modifying Seeding Strategies Increases Restoration Success, Western North American Naturalist, vol. 76, no. 1, pp. 36 - 52, 2016.
V. John, Arnosti, C., Field, J., Kujawinski, E., and MacCormick, A., The Role of Dispersants in Oil Spill Remediation: Fundamental Concepts, Rationale for Use, Fate, and Transport Issues, Oceanography, vol. 29, no. 3, pp. 108 - 117, 2016.
M. A. Pardo, Silverberg, N., Gendron, D., Beier, E., and Palacios, D. M., Role of environmental seasonality in the turnover of a cetacean community in the southwestern Gulf of California, Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 487, pp. 245 - 260, 2013.
M. - Y. Choi and Jurenka, R. A., Role of Extracellular Ca2+ and Calcium Channel Activated by a G Protein-Coupled Receptor Regulating Pheromone Production in Helicoverpa zea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), Annals of the Entomological Society of America, vol. 99, no. 5, pp. 905 - 909, 2006.
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R. F. Miller and Tausch, R. J., The role of fire in pinyon and juniper woodlands: a descriptive analysis., in Fire Conference 2000: The First National Congress On Fire, Ecology, Prevention And Management. Invasive Species Workshop: The Role of Fire In The Control And Spread Of Invasive Species., 2001.
S. T. Knick, Holmes, A. L., and Miller, R. F., The role of fire in structuring sagebrush habitats and bird communities, Studies in avian Biology, 2005.
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E. J. Z. Robinson, Albers, H. J., and Kirama, S. L., The role of incentives for sustainable implementation of marine protected areas: an example from Tanzania, International Journal of Sustainable Society, vol. 6, pp. 28–46, 2014.
J. Sands, DeMaso, S., Schnupp, M., Brennan, L., Giocomo, J., Gustafson, M., Duberstein, J., and Boyd, C. S., The Role of Joint Ventures in Bridging the Gap Between Research and Management, in Wildlife Science: Connecting Research with Management, CRC Press, 2012, pp. 239 - 252.
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L. E. Quierolo and Shriver, A. L., The Role of Pacific Groundfish in International Groundfish Trade: Reports 2, 3 and 4, NOAA Cooperative Agreement, 1992.
M. Wade, Osborne, J. P., and Edwards, C. G., Role of Pediococcus in winemaking, Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research, vol. 24, 2018.
M. C. Schantz, Sheley, R., and James, J. J., Role of propagule pressure and priority effects on seedlings during invasion and restoration of shrub-steppe, Biological Invasions, vol. 1720133517851104178117170819151713790100697418521676998483212171901177556164193422194347911878192496693, no. 1, pp. 73 - 85, 2015.
J. R. Sedell, Reeves, G. H., F. Hauer, R., Stanford, J. A., and Hawkins, C. P., Role of refugia in recovery from disturbances: Modern fragmented and disconnected river systems, Environmental Management, no. 5, pp. 711 - 724, 1990.
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S. Kolluri, Jin, U. - H., and Safe, S., Role of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor in carcinogenesis and potential as an anti-cancer drug target., Arch Toxicol, vol. 91, no. 7, pp. 2497-2513, 2017.
M. Vavra, Wisdom, M. J., Kie, J. G., Cook, J. G., and Riggs, R. A., The role of ungulate herbivory and management on ecosystem patterns and processes: future direction of the Starkey Project , Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 69. pp. 785-797, 2004.
E. Schroll, Lambrinos, J. G., Righetti, T. L., and Sandrock, D., The role of vegetation in regulating stormwater runoff from green roofs in a winter rainfall climate, Ecological Engineering, vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 595 - 600, 2011.