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S. Farina, Tomas, F., Prado, P., Romero, J., and Alcoverro, T., Seagrass meadow structure alters interactions between the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus and its predators, Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 377, pp. 131 - 137, 2009.
P. M. Rolston and Young, W. C., Seed Production, in Tall Fescue for the Twenty‐first Century, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2009, pp. 407-426.
R. Z. Baalbaki, Elias, S. G., Filho, J. M., and McDonald, M. B., Seed Vigor Testing Handbook. Association of Official Seed Analysts (AOSA)., 2009.
R. Baalbaki, Elias, S., Filho, J. M., and McDonald, M. B., Seed Vigor Testing Handbook. Washington, DC: Association of Official Seed Analysis, 2009.
G. R. Hosack, Li, H. W., and Rossignol, P. A., Sensitivity of system stability to model structure, Ecological Modelling, vol. 220, no. 8, pp. 1054 - 1062, 2009.
P. H. I. L. L. I. P. SOLLINS, Kramer, M. G., SWANSTON, C. H. R. I. S. T. O. P. H. E. R., Lajtha, K., FILLEY, T. I. M. O. T. H. Y. R., Aufdenkampe, A. K., Wagai, R., and Bowden, R. D., Sequential density fractionation across soils of contrasting mineralogy: evidence for both microbial- and mineral-controlled soil organic matter stabilization, Biogeochemistry, vol. 9, no. 1-3, pp. 209 - 231, 2009.
S. Bag, Druffel, K. L., Rondon, S. I., Rilley, D. G., and Papu, H. R., A serological assay for the detection of the nonstructural protein (NSs) of Iris yellow spot virus and its use in virus detection in plant and thrips vectors, IX International Symposium on Thysanoptera and Topoviruses. International Symposium on Thysanoptera and Topoviruses, pp. 134-135, 2009.
G. M. Chaer, Fernandes, M. F., Myrold, D. D., and Bottomley, P. J., Shifts in Microbial Community Composition and Physiological Profiles across a Gradient of Induced Soil Degradation, Soil Science Society of America Journal, vol. 73, no. 4, p. 1327, 2009.
A. J. Spence, Jimenez-Flores, R., Qian, M., and Goddik, L., Short communication: Evaluation of supercritical fluid extraction aids for optimum extraction of nonpolar lipids from buttermilk powder., J Dairy Sci, vol. 92, no. 12, pp. 5933-5936, 2009.
J. M. Hart, Sullivan, D. M., Gamroth, M. J., Downing, T., and Peters, A., Silage corn: western Oregon, Extension Service, Oregon State University, 2009.
R. McDonnell, Paine, T. D., and Gormally, M. J., Slugs: A Guide to the Invasive and Native Fauna of California. University of California Agricultural and Natural Resources Publications, 2009.
G. M. Chaer, Myrold, D. D., and Bottomley, P. J., A soil quality index based on the equilibrium between soil organic matter and biochemical properties of undisturbed coniferous forest soils of the Pacific Northwest, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, vol. 41, no. 4, pp. 822 - 830, 2009.
S. U. S. A. N. E. CROW, Lajtha, K., FILLEY, T. I. M. O. T. H. Y. R., SWANSTON, C. H. R. I. S. T. O. P. H. E. R. W., Bowden, R. D., and Caldwell, B. A., Sources of plant-derived carbon and stability of organic matter in soil: implications for global change, Global Change Biology, vol. 15, no. 8, pp. 2003 - 2019, 2009.
A. D. Moore, Stark, J. C., Brown, B., and Hopkins, B., Southern Idaho Fertilizer Guide: Sugar Beets, University of Idaho Extension Publication. 2009.
C. J. Banta-Green, Field, J., Chiaia, A. C., Sudakin, D. L., Power, L., and De Montigny, L., The spatial epidemiology of cocaine, methamphetamine and 3, 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) use: a demonstration using a population measure of community drug load derived from municipal wastewater, Addiction, vol. 104, pp. 1874–1880, 2009.
T. Ngo and Zhao, Y., Stabilization of anthocyanins on thermally processed red D'Anjou pears through complexation and polymerization, LWT-Food Science and Technology, vol. 42, pp. 1144–1152, 2009.
M. S. Town, Walden, V. P., Huwald, H., Higgins, C. W., Nadeau, D., Simoni, S., and Parlange, M. B., Stable isotope variability in snow on an alpine glacier in Switzerland, in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2009.
N. J. Günwald, Goss, E. M., Ivors, K., Garbelotto, M., Martin, F. N., Prospero, S., Hansen, E. M., Bonants, P. J. M., Hamelin, R. C., Chastagner, G., Werres, S., Rizzo, D. M., Abad, G., Beales, P., Bilodeau, G. J., Blomquist, C. L., Brasier, C., Sère, S. C., Chandelier, A., Davidson, J. M., Denman, S., Elliott, M., Frankel, S. J., Goheen, E. M., de Gruyter, H., Heungens, K., James, D., Kanaskie, A., McWilliams, M. G., Veld, W. ‘t, Moralejo, E., Osterbauer, N. K., Palm, M. E., Parke, J., Sierra, A. Maria Pere, Shamoun, S. F., Shishkoff, N., Tooley, P. W., Vettraino, A. Maria, Webber, J., and Widmer, T. L., Standardizing the Nomenclature for Clonal Lineages of the Sudden Oak Death Pathogen, Phytophthora ramorum, Phytopathology, vol. 99, no. 7, pp. 792 - 795, 2009.
B. T. Bestelmeyer, Tugel, A. J., Peacock, G. L., Robinett, D. G., Shaver, P. L., Brown, J. R., Herrick, J. E., Sanchez, H., and Havstad, K. M., State-and-Transition Models for Heterogeneous Landscapes: A Strategy for Development and Application, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 1 - 15, 2009.
S. I. Rondon and Walenta, D. L., Studying billbugs in grass seed in eastern Oregon, 68th annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference. Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, Portland, Oregon, pp. 12-13, 2009.
E. Bou-Zeid, Vercauteren, N., Higgins, C. W., Huwald, H., Parlange, M. B., and Meneveau, C., Subgrid scale physics in a turbulent boundary layer flow under varying convective stability conditions: an a-priori study, in APS Division of Fluid Dynamics Meeting Abstracts, 2009.
E. Bou-Zeid, Higgins, C. W., Huwald, H., Meneveau, C., and Parlange, M. B., Subgrid-scale physics under stable atmospheric stratification: the SnoHATS experiment, in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2009.