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Conference Paper
G. S. Murthy, Singh, V., Rausch, K. D., Johnston, D. B., and Tumbleson, M. E., Mathematical Modeling of Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Starch: Application to Fuel Ethanol Production, in 2006 ASAE Annual Meeting, 2006.
D. W. Bohnert and Merrill, M. L., Management strategies for use of high-alkaloid grass seed straw, in Proceedings of the 41st annual Pacific Northwest nutrition conference’, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.(Ed. M von Keyserlingk) pp, 2006.
Book Chapter
I. Kögel-Knabner and Kleber, M., Mineralogical, physicochemical and microbiological controls on soil organic matter stabilization and turnover, in Handbook of Soil Science. Resource Management and Environmental Impacts, Second., 2011.
D. C. Ganskopp and Bohnert, D. W., Mineral Supplementation of Beef Cows in the Western United States, Cattle Producer's Library, 2003.
J. Kumar Sahu, Kumar, D., Murthy, G. S., and Tiwari, G., Microwave and Radio Frequency Heating of Food Products, in Introduction to Advanced Food Process Engineering, CRC Press, 2014, pp. 3–30.
N. H, F, C., KJ, B., Bradford, K. J., and Bradford, K. J., Mechanisms and genes involved in germination sensu stricto, in Seed Development, Dormancy and Germination, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Plant Science, 2007, pp. 264-304.
D. G. Uzarski, Burton, T. M., and Albert, D. A., A Manual for Bioassessment of Great Lakes Coastal Wetlands., in Manual for Michigan Department of Environmental Quality., 2009.
S. I. Rondon, Manejo integrado de plagas en el invernadero, in Manejo de cultivos hortícolas en invernadero, 2nd ed., Mexico: INTAGRI, 2004, pp. 294-317.