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M. Munroe, Zheljazkov, V. D., Astatkie, T., and Stratton, G., Comparison of lead extraction and detection procedures for six Canadian Soils, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, vol. 43, pp. 2303-2313, 2012.
M. Munroe, Zheljazkov, V. D., Astatkie, T., and Stratton, G., Comparison of Lead Extraction and Detection Procedures for Six Canadian Soils, Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, vol. 43, no. 17, pp. 2303 - 2313, 2012.
K. A. Murrell, Ghetu, C. C., and Dorman, F. L., The combination of spectroscopy, microscopy, and profilometry methods for the physical and chemical characterization of environmentally relevant microplastics, The combination of spectroscopy, microscopy, and profilometry methods for the physical and chemical characterization of environmentally relevant microplastics, vol. 10, Analytical Methods, pp. 4909-4916, 2018.
G. S. Murthy, Johnston, D., and Singh, V., Comparision of dry and wet milling degerm defiber processes for ethanol production, Proc. American Association of Cereal Chemists. Abstract, 2004.
G. S. Murthy and Prasad, S., A completely coupled model for microwave heating of foods in microwave oven, in 2005 ASAE Annual Meeting, 2005.
J. R. Myers, Will, C., and Davis, J., Can the negative association between yield and white mold resistance for NY6020 bean resistance be broken?, National Sclerotinia Initiative Meetings. Minneapolis, MN, 2013.
J. R. Myers, Cabbage and crucifer plants, in S.H. Katz (ed.) Encyclopedia of Food and Culture, Charles Scribner's Sons, 2003.
A. J. Myers, Scramlin, S. M., Dilger, A. C., Souza, C. M., McKeith, F. K., and Killefer, J., Contribution of lean, fat, muscle color and degree of doneness to pork and beef species flavor, Meat Science, vol. 82, no. 1, pp. 59 - 63, 2009.
D. D. Myrold and Nannipieri, P., Classical Techniques Versus Omics Approaches, in Omics in Soil Science , 2014.
R. O'Connor and Germino, M. J., Comment on: Grazing Disturbance Promotes Exotic Annual Grasses by Degrading Soil Biocrust Communities, Ecological Applications, vol. 31, no. 7, 2021.
R. O'Connor, Boyd, C. S., Naugle, D. E., and Smith, J. T., The Carbon Security Index: A Novel Approach to Assessing How Secure Carbon Is in Sagebrush Ecosystems Within the Great Basin, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 97, pp. 169 - 177, 2024.
K. G. O'Malley, Ford, M. J., and Hard, J. J., Clock polymorphism in Pacific salmon: evidence for variable selection along a latitudinal gradient, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, vol. 277222663121717327528083501616916245173275132166107772727841101264103112, no. 170157791353694223165323455346151592412, pp. 3703 - 3714, 2010.
M. E. O'Neal, Rondon, S. I., and Gray, M. E., Is crop rotation still a viable alternative to soil insecticides for control of western corn rootworm, Environmental Horizons ‘98’ Conference. Environmental Council, University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign, pp. 23-25, 1998.
A. K. Obour, Chen, C., Sintim, H. Y., Mcvay, K., Lamb, P., Obeng, E., Mohammed, Y. A., Khan, Q., Afshar, R. K., and Zheljazkov, V. D., Camelina sativa as a fallow replacement crop in wheat-based crop production systems in the US Great Plains, Industrial Crops and Products, vol. 111, pp. 22–29, 2018.