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Y. Hagimoto, Bachelet, D., and Cuenca, R. H., Application of DAYCENT to Access Long-Term Effect of a Water Resource Policy and Increasing Temperature on a Semi-Arid Pasture in South Central Oregon, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2009.
D. Bachelet, Conklin, D., Lenihan, J., Neilson, R., McGlinchy, M., Rogers, B., and Drapek, R., Can current models reproduce the increase in Western United States Wildfires and project a reliable future trend?, in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2009.
D. Bachelet, Can our forests adapt to climate change?, in IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2009.
D. Bachelet, Kelly, R., and Parton, W. J., Carbon sequestration in grasslands: grazing versus fire under climate change, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2009.
D. Bachelet, Conklin, D., Rogers, B., McGlinchy, M., Lenihan, J., Neilson, R. P., and Drapek, R., COS 91-9: Can global models reproduce the current increase in western United States wildfires and project a reliable future trend?, in The 94th ESA Annual Meeting, 2009.
J. Osborne-Gowey, Strittholt, J., Bergquist, J., Ward, B. C., Sheehan, T., Comendant, T., and Bachelet, D., Data Basin Aquatic Center: expanding access to aquatic conservation data, analysis tools, people and practical answers, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2009.
D. Bachelet, Strittholt, J., Ward, B. C., Sheehan, T., Comendant, T., Lenihan, J. M., and Osborne-Gowey, J., Data Basin Climate Center: where to get datasets, manipulate them, and generate practical answers, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2009.
T. Comendant, Strittholt, J., Frost, P., Ward, B. C., Bachelet, D., and Osborne-Gowey, J., Data Basin: Expanding Access to Conservation Data, Tools, and People, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2009.
R. P. Neilson, Lenihan, J. M., Bachelet, D., Drapek, R., and , Modeling the Future Global Carbon Balance: Is there a threshold from terrestrial sink to source in the Near Future?, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2009.