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“The Ecological and Cultural Importance of a Species at Risk of Extinction, Pacific Lamprey”, Fisheries, vol. 27, no. 7, pp. 19 - 25, 2002.
, “Ecological and socio-economic factors influencing aguaje (Mauritia flexuosa) resource management in two indigenous communities in the Peruvian Amazon”, Forest ecology and management, vol. 267, pp. 93–103, 2012.
, “Ecological and socio-economic factors influencing aguaje (Mauritia flexuosa) resource management in two indigenous communities in the Peruvian Amazon”, Forest Ecology and Management, vol. 267, pp. 93 - 103, 2012.
, “Ecological benefits of strategically applied livestock grazing in sagebrush communities”, Ecosphere, vol. 15, no. 5, 2024.
, “Ecological consequences of alternative fuel reduction treatments in seasonally dry forests: the national fire and fire surrogate study”, Forest Science, vol. 56, pp. 2-3, 2010.
, “Ecological consequences of alternative fuel reduction treatments in seasonally dry forests: the national fire and fire surrogate study”, Forest Science, vol. 56, pp. 2-3, 2010.
, “Ecological consequences of the expansion of N2-fixing plants in cold biomes”, Oecologia, vol. 176, no. 1, pp. 11 - 24, 2014.
, “Ecological Considerations for Stream Projects”, in Stream Restoration Design, National Engineering Handbook, 2007.
, “Ecological constraints to management of Central Oregon rangelands: Enjoying its products and values”, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 2002.
, “Ecological Design of Urban Landscapes: Economic, Social and Ecological Benefits.”, Oregon State University Extension Publication, 2015.
, “Ecological effects of alternative fuel-reduction treatments: highlights of the National Fire and Fire Surrogate study (FFS)”, International Journal of Wildland Fire, vol. 22, no. 1, p. 63, 2013.
, “Ecological Effects of Free-Roaming Horses in North American Rangelands”, BioScience, vol. 69, no. 7, pp. 558-565, 2019.
, “Ecological effects of large fires on US landscapes: benefit or catastrophe?”, International Journal of Wildland Fire, vol. 17, no. 6, p. 696, 2008.
, “An Ecological Perspective of Livestock Grazing”, International Symposium on Animal Production under Grazing - Vicosa, MG, Brazil, 1997.
, “Ecological Principles Underpinning Invasive Plant Management Tools and Strategies”, Rangelands, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 27 - 29, 2012.
, , “Ecological Response of Sagebrush-Grass Range in Central Oregon to Mechanical and Chemical Removal of Artemisia”, Ecology, vol. 47, no. 3, pp. 432 - 439, 1966.
, “Ecological Restoration in the Age of Apocalypse”, Global Change Biology, vol. 29, no. 17, pp. 4706 - 4710, 2023.
, “Ecological Site Development: A Gentle Introduction”, Rangelands, vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 16 - 22, 2010.
, “Ecological Water Quality - Water Treatment and ReuseWater Quality in the Agronomic Context: Flood Irrigation Impacts on Summer In-Stream Temperature Extremes in the Interior Pacific Northwest (USA)”, in Water Quality in the Agronomic Context, InTech, 2012.
, “Ecologically Based Invasive Plant Management: Step by Step”, Rangelands, vol. 34, no. 6, pp. 6 - 10, 2012.
, “Ecology and Bioassessment of Michigan’s Inland Wetlands”, A Manual for Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, 2009.
, “Ecology and Bioassessment of Michigan’s Inland Wetlands.”, in A Manual for Michigan Department of Environmental Quality., 2009.
, Ecology and Conservation of a Landscape Species and Its Habitats: Ecological Influence and Pathways of Land Use in Sagebrush. University of California Press, 2011, pp. 202 - 251.