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Book Chapter
P. Basu, Chakrabarti, P., Biswas, S., Mitra, M. K., and Bar, R., Pesticides and the Muted Buzz of the Bees, in Environmental impacts on health: towards a better future, Kolkata: Kolkata Readers Service, 2015.
R. L. Flitcroft, Little, C., Cabrera, J., and Arismendi, I., Planning ecologically: the importance of management at catchment scales, in Freshwater Ecosystems in Protected Areas Conservation and Management., Oxford, UK: Taylor and Francis.
L. Cooper and Jaiswal, P., The Plant Ontology: A Tool for Plant Genomics., in Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), vol. 1374, 2016, pp. 89-114.
P. Basu, Bhattacharya, R., Chakrabarti, P., and Poyyamoli, G., Pollination crises in the agro-ecosystems of the tropics: challenges and way forward, in Agroecology, ecosystems and sustainability in the tropics, New Delhi: Studera Press, 2007.
M. RC, C, M. - A., and H, N., Role of miRNA in seed development, in MicroRNAs in Plant Development and Stress Responses, R. Sunker, Ed. Heidelberg: Springer, 2012, pp. 109-121.
F. Chen, R.C., M., SQ, S., and Nonogaki, H., Seed development and germination, in Plant Tissue Culture: Development and Biotechnology, T. R.N. and D.J., G., Eds. Boca Raton: CRC Press, 2010, pp. 125-138.
M. - A. C and H, N., Seed Germination, in In Encyclopedia of Science & Technology, McGraw Hill: , 2012.
R. Baalbaki, Elias, S., Copeland, L. O., and Liu, H., Seed Testing Tolerances, in Seed Technologists Training Manual, Washington, DC: Society of Commercial Seed Technologists, 2018.
R. Z. Baalbaki, Elias, S. G., Copeland, L. O., and Liu, H., Seed Testing Tolerances, in Seed Technologists Training Manual, Washington, D.C.: Society of Commercial Seed Technologists, 2018.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Faire, P., and Craker, L. E., Study of the effect of highly heavy metal polluted on metal uptake and distribution in plants from genera Artemisia, Draccocphalum, Inula, Ruta and Symphtum, 1996.
P. Basu, Chakrabarti, P., Sinu, P. A., and Shivanna, K. R., Sub lethal effects of pesticides on pollinators with special focus on honey bees, in Mutualistic interaction between flowering plants and animals, 2015.
Conference Paper
S. P. Good, O'Connor, M., Soderberg, K., Wang, L., and Caylor, K., Analysis of the distribution of the isotopic composition of evapotranspiration flux in a semi-arid savanna., in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2013.
S. P. Good, Rodriguez-Iturbe, I., and Caylor, K. K., Analytical expressions of variability in ecosystem structure and function obtained from three-dimensional stochastic vegetation modeling, in Proc. R. Soc. A, 2013.
Y. Hagimoto, Bachelet, D., and Cuenca, R. H., Application of DAYCENT to Access Long-Term Effect of a Water Resource Policy and Increasing Temperature on a Semi-Arid Pasture in South Central Oregon, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2009.
D. W. Bohnert and Cooke, R. F., Applied nutritional strategies for the Northwest, in Applied Reproductive Strategies in Beef Cattle-Northwest, Conference Proceedings. Boise, ID, 2011.
I. Balin, Parlange, M., Higgins, C. W., Nessler, R., Calipini, B., Simeonov, V., and Van den Bergh, H., The Atmospheric Boundary Layer at the Aletsch Glacier (3600 m-Switzerland), in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2003.
M. Diebold, Oldroyd, H. Jayne, Huwald, H., Higgins, C. W., Christen, A., Lehning, M., and Parlange, M., Atmospheric boundary layers in complex terrain and over ice, snow and vegetated surfaces, in DACA 2013, 2013.
D. R. Conklin, Bachelet, D., and Bolte, J., Breaking Out of Gridlock: Simulating Natural Processes on Meaningful Spatial Units, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2011.
B. Ieda Cappellozza, Cooke, R. F., Trevisanuto, C., Tabacow, V. D., and Bohnert, D. W., Camelina meal supplementation to beef cattle: II. effects on DMI, forage in situ digestibility, and plasma cholecystokinin concentrations, in Proc. West. Sect. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci, 2011.
B. Ieda Cappellozza, Cooke, R. F., Trevisanuto, C., Tabacow, V. D., and Bohnert, D. W., Camelina meal supplementation to beef cattle: II. effects on DMI, forage in situ digestibility, and plasma cholecystokinin concentrations, in Proc. West. Sect. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci, 2011.
D. Bachelet, Conklin, D., Lenihan, J., Neilson, R., McGlinchy, M., Rogers, B., and Drapek, R., Can current models reproduce the increase in Western United States Wildfires and project a reliable future trend?, in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2009.
H. Huwald, Parlange, M. B., Higgins, C. W., Bou-Zeid, E., Calaf-Bracons, M., and Meneveau, C., Characteristics of near-surface atmospheric flow and turbulent heat fluxes under highly stable conditions over a snow-covered alpine glacier, in 18th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, 2008.
P. Nadeau, Caylor, K. K., Good, S. P., and Guan, K., Climate and ecosystem structure as drivers of regional fuel load accumulation and subsequent fire regimes in Africa, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2012.
T. A. Currier, Bohnert, D. W., Falck, S. J., Schauer, C. S., and Bartle, S. J., Comparison of Urea and Biuret as Nitrogen Supplements to Low-Quality Forage: Daily and Alternate Day Supplementation Effects on Digestion and Ruminal Fermentation in Steers, in PROCEEDINGS-AMERICAN SOCIETY OF ANIMAL SCIENCE WESTERN SECTION, 2002.
T. A. Currier, Bohnert, D. W., Falck, S. J., and Bartle, S. J., Comparison of urea and biuret as nitrogen supplements to low-quality forage: Daily and alternate day supplementation effects on efficiency of nitrogen use in lambs, in proceedings-American society of animal science western section, 2002.