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“Influences of ripening stages and extracting solvents on the polyphenolic compounds, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of blueberry leaf extracts”, Food Control, vol. 38, pp. 184 - 191, 2014.
, “Influences of ripening stages and extracting solvents on the polyphenolic compounds, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of blueberry leaf extracts”, Food Control, vol. 38, pp. 184–191, 2014.
, “Inhalation Cancer Risk Associated with Exposure to Complex Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Mixtures in an Electronic Waste and Urban Area in South China”, Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 46, no. 17, pp. 9745 - 9752, 2012.
, “ Innate olfactory responses Asobara japonica toward fruits infested by the invasive Spotted Wing Drosophila”, Journal of Insect Behavior, vol. 30, pp. 495-506, 2017.
, “Innovations in the development and application of edible coatings for fresh and minimally processed fruits and vegetables”, Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety, vol. 6, pp. 60–75, 2007.
, “Insights into the Dekkera bruxellensis genomic landscape: comparative genomics reveals variations in ploidy and nutrient utilisation potential amongst wine isolates.”, PLoS Genet, vol. 10, no. 2, p. e1004161, 2014.
, “An integrated approach to historical population assessment of the great whales: case of the New Zealand southern right whale”, Royal Society Open Science, vol. 345142221021012133101312168985, no. 3, p. 150669, 2016.
, “Integrated Omics Analysis of Pathogenic Host Responses during Pandemic H1N1 Influenza Virus Infection: The Crucial Role of Lipid Metabolism”, Cell Host & Microbe, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 254 - 266, 2016.
, “Investigation of different coating application methods on the performance of edible coatings on Mozzarella cheese”, LWT - Food Science and Technology, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 1 - 8, 2014.
, “Investigation of different coating application methods on the performance of edible coatings on Mozzarella cheese”, LWT - Food Science and Technology, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 1 - 8, 2014.
, “Investigation of drying conditions on bioactive compounds, lipid oxidation, and enzyme activity of Oregon hazelnuts ( Corylus avellana L.)”, LWT, vol. 90, pp. 526 - 534, 2018.
, “Investigation of drying conditions on bioactive compounds, lipid oxidation, and enzyme activity of Oregon hazelnuts (Corylus avellana L.)”, LWT, vol. 90, pp. 526-534, 2018.
, “Investigation of radio frequency heating uniformity of wheat kernels by using the developed computer simulation model”, Food Research International, vol. 71, pp. 41 - 49, 2015.
, “Investigation of radio frequency heating uniformity of wheat kernels by using the developed computer simulation model”, Food Research International, vol. 71, pp. 41 - 49, 2015.
, “Investigation of the Feasibility of Radio Frequency Energy for Controlling Insects in Milled Rice”, Food and Bioprocess Technology, vol. 101207952589834487191412328403955484545510551594362656835113, no. 425151, pp. 781 - 788, 2017.
, “Investigation of the Feasibility of Radio Frequency Energy for Controlling Insects in Milled Rice”, Food and Bioprocess Technology, vol. 101207952589834487191412328403955484545510551594362656835113, no. 425151, pp. 781 - 788, 2017.
, “Investigation of the Feasibility of Radio Frequency Energy for Controlling Insects in Milled Rice”, Food and Bioprocess Technology, vol. 101207952589834487191412328403955484545510551594362656835113, no. 425151, pp. 781 - 788, 2017.
, “Investigation of the mechanisms and strategies for reducing shell cracks of hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) in hot-air drying”, LWT Food science and technology, vol. 98, 2018.
, “Investigation of the mechanisms and strategies for reducing shell cracks of hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) in hot-air drying”, LWT, vol. 98, pp. 252 - 259, 2018.
, “Investigation of the mechanisms and strategies for reducing shell cracks of hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) in hot-air drying”, LWT Food science and technology, vol. 98, 2018.
, “Investigation of the mechanisms and strategies for reducing shell cracks of hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) in hot-air drying”, LWT Food science and technology, vol. 98, 2018.
, “Investigation of the mechanisms of using metal complexation and cellulose nanofiber/sodium alginate layer-by-layer coating for retaining anthocyanin pigments in thermally processed blueberries in aqueous media.”, J Agric Food Chem, vol. 63, no. 11, pp. 3031-8, 2015.
, “. Investigation on pest entomofauna and fungus diseases on essential oil and medicinal plants in Bulgaria. Part I. Study on the harmful entomofauna”, Beitrage zur Zuchtungsforschung , vol. 2, pp. 257-260, 1996.
, “. Investigation on pest entomofauna and fungus diseases on essential oil and medicinal plants in Bulgaria. Part II. Study on economically important diseases.”, Beitrage zur Zuchtungsforschung , vol. 2, pp. 261-263, 1996.
, “Investigation on the Spermoderm of Gyphophila spp.”, L.J. Herbs Spices & Medicinal Plants, vol. 5, pp. 85-92, 1997.