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Journal Article
V. D. Zheljazkov, Cantrell, C. L., Tekwani, B., and Khan, S. I., Content, Composition, and Bioactivity of the Essential Oils of Three Basil Genotypes as a Function of Harvesting, Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, vol. 56, no. 2, pp. 380 - 385, 2008.
J. Lehmann and Kleber, M., The contentious nature of soil organic matter, Nature, vol. 11, 2015.
A. P. Melathopoulos, Tyedmers, P., and G. Cutler, C., Contextualizing pollination benefits: effect of insecticide and fungicide use on yield increases from bee pollination in lowbush blueberry, Annals of Applied Biology, vol. 165, pp. 387-394, 2014.
K. Guan, Good, S. P., Caylor, K. K., Sato, H., Wood, E. F., and Li, H., Continental-scale impacts of intra-seasonal rainfall variability on simulated ecosystem responses in Africa, Biogeosciences, vol. 11, pp. 6939–6954, 2014.
K. Guan, Good, S. P., Caylor, K. K., Sato, H., Wood, E. F., and Li, H., Continental-scale impacts of intra-seasonal rainfall variability on simulated ecosystem responses in Africa, Biogeosciences, vol. 11, no. 23, pp. 6939 - 6954, 2014.
E. Hertz, Trudel, M., Brodeur, R. D., Daly, E. A., Eisner, L., Jr, E. V. Farley, Harding, J. A., MacFarlane, R. B., Mazumder, S., Moss, J. H., Murphy, J. M., and Mazumder, A., Continental-scale variability in the feeding ecology of juvenile Chinook salmon along the coastal Northeast Pacific Ocean, Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 537, pp. 247 - 263, 2015.
A. D. Levin, Williams, L. E., and Matthews, M. A., A continuum of stomatal responses to water deficits among 17 wine grape cultivars (Vitis vinifera), Functional Plant Biology, vol. 47, no. 1, pp. 11–25, 2020.
A. D. Levin, Williams, L. E., and Matthews, M. A., A continuum of stomatal responses to water deficits among 17 wine grape cultivars (Vitis vinifera), Functional Plant Biology, vol. 47, no. 1, p. 11, 2019.
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M. L. Lee, Choi, M. - Y., and Choi, K. S., Control effects of Galleria mellonella in honeybee combs with aluminum phosphide, its residues and safety on honeybees, Korean Journal of Apiculture, vol. 6, pp. 12-15, 1991.
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