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“Year-round Variations on Essential Oil Content and Composition of Male and Female Juniper”, HortScience, vol. 48, pp. 883-886, 2013.
, “Alkali- or acid-induced changes in structure, moisture absorption ability and deacetylating reaction of β-chitin extracted from jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas) pens.”, Food Chem, vol. 152, pp. 355-62, 2014.
, “Antihypertensive effect of few-flower wild rice (Zizania latifolia Turcz.) in spontaneously hypertensive rats”, Food Science and Biotechnology, vol. 231572522832711510512660599927878820122236011978342155349312125149362423913383101, no. 2, pp. 439 - 444, 2014.
, “Antihypertensive effect of few-flower wild rice (Zizania latifolia Turcz.) in spontaneously hypertensive rats”, Food Science and Biotechnology, vol. 231572522832711510512660599927878820122236011978342155349312125149362423913383101, no. 2, pp. 439 - 444, 2014.
, Applied Manure and Nutrient Chemistry for Sustainable Agriculture and EnvironmentChemical Characteristics of Custom Compost for Highbush Blueberry. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2014, pp. 293 - 311.
, “Blueberry leaf extracts incorporated chitosan coatings for preserving postharvest quality of fresh blueberries”, Postharvest Biology and Technology, vol. 92, pp. 46 - 53, 2014.
, “Chapter 4 - High Frequency Trends in the Isotopic Composition of Superstorm Sandy”, in Learning from the Impacts of Superstorm Sandy, Elseiver, 2014, pp. 41–55.
, “A comprehensive collection of systems biology data characterizing the host response to viral infection”, Scientific Data, vol. 1, p. 140033, 2014.
, “Conclusions from the SMAP Marena Oklahoma in situ soil moisture testbed (SMAP-MOISST)”, in Meeting Abstract, 2014.
, “The contribution of acidulant to the antibacterial activity of acid soluble α- and β-chitosan solutions and their films.”, Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, vol. 98, no. 1, pp. 425-35, 2014.
, “Drying and Shade Effects on Spearmint Oil Yields and Composition”, HortScience, vol. 49, no. 3, 2014.
, “Drying and Shade Effects on Spearmint Oil Yields and Composition ”, HortScience, vol. 49, pp. 306-310, 2014.
, “Drying-induced protein and microstructure damages of squid fillets affected moisture distribution and rehydration ability during rehydration”, Journal of Food Engineering, vol. 123, pp. 23 - 31, 2014.
, “Drying-induced protein and microstructure damages of squid fillets affected moisture distribution and rehydration ability during rehydration”, Journal of Food Engineering, vol. 123, pp. 23 - 31, 2014.
, “Dual extraction of essential oil and Podophyllotoxin from Creeping Juniper (Juniperus horizontalis)”, PLoS ONE, vol. 9, no. 9, p. e106057, 2014.
, “Dual Extraction of Essential Oil and Podophyllotoxin from Creeping Juniper (Juniperus Horizontalis)”, PLoS ONE, vol. 9, 2014.
, “Effects of different organic weed management strategies on the physicochemical, sensory, and antioxidant properties of machine-harvested blackberry fruits.”, J Food Sci, vol. 79, no. 10, pp. S2107-16, 2014.
, “Effects of Land Use and Climate on Ecosystem Carbon Balance from a Recent National Assessment”, in AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, 2014.
, “Essential Oil Yield and Composition of Garden Sage as a Function of Different Steam Distillation Times”, HortScience, vol. 49, no. 6, 2014.
, “Essential Oil Yield and Composition of Garden Sage as a Function of Different Steam Distillation Times”, HortScience, vol. 49, pp. 785-790, 2014.
, “The founding charter of the Genomic Observatories Network”, GigaScience, vol. 3, no. 1, 2014.
, “Heterogeneous reactions of particulate matter-bound PAHs and NPAHs with NO3/N2O5, OH radicals, and O3 under simulated long-range atmospheric transport conditions: reactivity and mutagenicity”, Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 48, no. 17, pp. 10155 - 10164, 2014.
, “Hydrodistillation extraction time effect on essential oil yield, composition, and bioactivity of coriander oil”, Journal of Oleo Science, vol. 63, no. 9, pp. 857 - 865, 2014.
, “Hydrodistillation Extraction Time Effect on Essential Oil Yield, Composition, and Bioactivity of Coriander Oil”, Journal of Oleo Science, vol. 60, pp. 335-342, 2014.
, “Impact of continuous or cycle high hydrostatic pressure on the ultrastructure and digestibility of rice starch granules”, Journal of Cereal Science, vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 302 - 310, 2014.