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“ORCF-103: CLEARFIELD® Soft White Winter Wheat”, Oregon State Extension Service Publication, 2010.
, “Occurrence and trends of weed seed contamination in fine fescue seed lots in Oregon”, Seed Technology, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 7-21, 2011.
, “Occurrence and trends of weed seed contamination in bentgrass seed lots in Oregon”, Seed Technology, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 39-51, 2012.
, “Occurrence and trends of weed seed contaminants in fine fescue seed lots in Oregon”, SEED PRODUCTION RESEARCH, p. 1, 2011.
, “Occurrence and trends of weed seed and pathogen contaminants in bentgrass seed lots in Oregon”, Seed Technology, pp. 203–215, 2012.
, “Occurrence and trends of weed seed and ergot contaminants in Poa pretenses and Poa trivialis seed lots in Oregon”, Seed Technology, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 237-250, 2014.
, “Occurrence and Trends of Weed Seed and Ergot Contaminants in Oregon Grown Poa pratensis and Poa trivialis Seed Lots”, Seed Technology, pp. 237–250, 2013.