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“Key Components to Developing a School Integrated Pest Management Training Program”, Journal of Extension, vol. 57, Number 1, 2019, 2019.
, “Improving Native Soil Athletic Fields With Intercept Drain Tile Installation and Subsequent Sand Topdressing Applications”, Soil Science, vol. 176, no. 3, pp. 143 - 149, 2011.
, “How soil pH affects the activity and persistence of herbicides”, Washington State University Extension, 2015.
, “Evaluation of fungicides for preventative control of gray snow mold in central Oregon”, Plant Disease Management Report, 2014.
, “Evaluation of fungicide alternatives for the control of Microdochium patch on annual bluegrass in western Oregon”, Plant Disease Management Report, 2014.
, “Developing and Delivering an Engaging Integrated Pest Management Program of Public School Grounds Employees”, Natural Science Education, vol. 45, 2016.