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V. Adams, Local Government Responses to Fiscal Stress: How do Oregon Counties Compare?, Rural Studies Program Working Paper Series, 2009.
T. Kuhar, Morrison, T., Leskey, T., Aigner, J., Dively, G., Zobel, E., Brust, J., Whalen, J., Cissel, B., Walgenbach, J., Rice, K., Fleischer, S. J., and Rondon, S. I., Manejo Integrado de chinche apestozo marmoleado, Brown Marmorated Stink Bug SCRI CAP Vegetable Commodity Team in conjunction with the Northeastern IPM Center. , 2015.
N. T. Schmitt, MC, D., CS, B., N, G., Childerhouse, S., AM, P., DJ, S., Albertson, G. R., C, O., C, G., M. Poole, M., R, H., R, C., D, P., CS, J., SN, J., and R, P., Mixed stock analysis of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) on Antarctic feeding grounds, 2015.
N. T. Schmitt, MC, D., CS, B., N, G., Childerhouse, S., AM, P., DJ, S., Albertson, G. R., C, O., C, G., M. Poole, M., R, H., R, C., D, P., CS, J., SN, J., and R, P., Mixed stock analysis of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) on Antarctic feeding grounds, 2015.
D. W. Bohnert, Oregon Beef Council Report, 2020.
S. D. Brandyberry, Barton, R. K., and Angell, R. F., OSU Dept. of Animal Sciences 1991 Progress Report: Alfalfa Supplementation of Beef Cattle Grazing Winter Sagebrush-Steppe Range Forage, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1991.
R. F. Angell, Range Field Day - 1998 Meadow ecology and management: Working with Meadow Foxtail: Fertilization and Livestock Grazing, Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1998.
J. G. Cuevas, Arismendi, I., and Soto, D., Riparian vegetation occurrence as a function of biotic and abiotic variables in rivers of Southern Chile, 63, 2006.
M. Al-Jadi, Myers, J. R., Kawai, S., and Brewer, L., Snap-Bean Germination Rates: A Comparison of White, Persistent Color and Colored-Seeded Lines, 2016.
G. R. Albertson, M, O., Baird, R. W., Martien, K. K., M. Poole, M., and Baker, C. S., Staying close to home: Genetic evidence reveals insular population structure for the rough-toothed dolphin, 2016.
N. Andrews, Ambrosino, M., Fisher, G., and Rondon, S. I., Wireworm biology and non-chemical management in potatoes in the Pacific Northwest, Oregon State University Extension Service, Corvallis, Oregon, PNW 607, 2008.
N. Andrews, Ambrosino, M., Fisher, G., and Rondon, S. I., Wireworm biology and non-chemical management in potatoes in the Pacific Northwest, Oregon State University Extension Service, Corvallis, Oregon, PNW 607, 2008.