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D. M. Palacios, Martins, C. C. A., and ía, C., Aquatic mammal science in Latin America: a bibliometric analysis for the first eight years of the Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals (2002-2010), Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals, vol. 9, no. 2, 2014.
S. Feng, Qian, Y. P. L., and Qian, M. C., Aroma compounds in ‘Centennial’, ‘Citra’ and ‘Nelson Sauvin’ hop varieties and (R/S)-isomeric ratio of linalool in hops and dry-hopped beer, in 14th Weurman Flavour Research Symposium, Queens' College University of Cambridge, UK, 2014.
S. Feng, Aroma-active compounds in'Centennial','Citra'and'Nelson Sauvin'hop varieties and their aroma contribution to dry-hopped beer, 2014.
J. R. Myers, Arrested Development: Intellectual property and regulations hinder research, Terra, 2014.
J. R. Myers, Arrested Development: Intellectual property and regulations hinder research, Terra, 2014. [Online]. Available:
E. F. O'Donnell, Koch, D. C., Bisson, W. H., Jang, H. S., and Kolluri, S., The aryl hydrocarbon receptor mediates raloxifene-induced apoptosis in estrogen receptor-negative hepatoma and breast cancer cells, Cell death & disease, vol. 5, p. e1038, 2014.
J. A. Staunton, Donnell, R. J. Mc, Gormally, M. J., Williams, C. D., Henry, T., and Morrison, L., Assessing metal contamination from construction and demolition (C&D) waste used to infill wetlands: using Deroceras reticulatum (Mollusca: Gastropoda), Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 2477 - 2487, 2014.
K. D. Swisher, Sengoda, V. G., Dixon, J., Munyaneza, J. E., Murphy, A. F., Rondon, S. I., Thompson, B., Karasev, A. V., Wenninger, E. J., Olsen, N., and Crosslin, J. M., Assessing Potato Psyllid Haplotypes in Potato Crops in the Pacific Northwestern United States, American Journal of Potato Research, vol. 91, no. 5, pp. 485 - 491, 2014.
K. D. Swisher, Sengoda, V. G., Dixon, J., Munyaneza, J. E., Murphy, A. F., Rondon, S. I., Thompson, B., Karasev, A. V., Wenninger, E. J., Olsen, N., and Crosslin, J. M., Assessing potato psyllids haplotypes in potato crops in the Pacific Northwest United States, American Journal of Potato Research, vol. 91, pp. 485-491, 2014.
H. Uribe, Rupp, D. E., Arumí, J. Luis, Stewart, R. D., and Selker, J., Assessment of current and potential yield of hand-dug wells in a semi-arid zone in south-central Chile using an analytical methodology, Chilean journal of agricultural research, vol. 74, pp. 219–224, 2014.
J. D. Bates and Davies, K. W., Attempting to Restore Herbaceous Understories in Wyoming Big Sagebrush Communities with Mowing and Seeding, Restoration Ecology, vol. 22716465201507564773910774733061636359604865651448894218204757787121562028310411050793013712350231, no. 5, pp. 608 - 615, 2014.
J. R. Kleiber, C Unelius, R., Lee, J. C., Suckling, D. Maxwell, Qian, M. C., and Bruck, D. J., Attractiveness of fermentation and related products to spotted wing Drosophila (Diptera: drosophilidae)., Environ Entomol, vol. 43, no. 2, pp. 439-47, 2014.
A. A. YIGIT, PANDA, A. K., and Cherian, G., The avian embryo and its antioxidant defence system, World's Poultry Science Journal, vol. 70, no. 03, pp. 563 - 574, 2014.
J. M. Tarara, Chaves, B., and Strik, B. C., Above- and below-ground microclimate of grow tubes in an organic mulch-incorporated, raised bed system for blueberry. , HortScience, vol. 48, pp. 1363-1369, 2013.
E. L. Carroll, Childerhouse, S. J., Fewster, R. M., Patenaude, N. J., Steel, D., Dunshea, G., Boren, L. J., and Baker, C. S., Accounting for female reproductive cycles in a superpopulation capture–recapture framework, Ecological Applications, vol. 23, no. 7, pp. 1677 - 1690, 2013.
A. Rango, Fernald, A. G., Steele, C., Hurd, B., and Ochoa, C., Acequias and the Effects of Climate Change, Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, vol. 1511364147, no. 112, pp. 84 - 94, 2013.
J. Ding, Bierma, J., Smith, M. R., Poliner, E., Wolfe, C., Hadduck, A. N., Zara, S., Jirikovic, M., van Zee, K., Penner, M. H., Patton-Vogt, J., and Bakalinsky, A. T., Acetic acid inhibits nutrient uptake in Saccharomyces cerevisiae: auxotrophy confounds the use of yeast deletion libraries for strain improvement., Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, vol. 97, no. 16, pp. 7405-16, 2013.
J. E. Mu, McCarl, B. A., and Wein, A., Adaptation to Climate Change: Changes in Farmland Use and Stocking Rate in the U.S., Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 713-730, 2013.
K. G. O'Malley, Jacobson, D. P., Kurth, R., Dill, A. J., and Banks, M. A., Adaptive genetic markers discriminate migratory runs of Chinook salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha amid continued gene flow, Evolutionary Applications, vol. 6, no. 8, pp. 1184 - 1194, 2013.
C. W. Mueller, Weber, P. K., Kilburn, M. R., Hoeschen, C., Kleber, M., and Pett-Ridge, J., Advances in AgronomyAdvances in the Analysis of Biogeochemical Interfaces, vol. 121. Elsevier, 2013, pp. 1 - 46.
L. Moraes é Vasconcelos, Filho, O. Gomes á, and Cooke, R. F., Advances in Experimental Medicine and BiologyCurrent and Future Reproductive Technologies and World Food ProductionImpacts of Reproductive Technologies on Beef Production in South America, vol. 752. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2013, pp. 161 - 180.
N. Andrews, Gehr, W., Brewer, L., and Sullivan, D. M., Agricultural composting and water quality, Extension Service, Oregon State University, 2013.
C. Rosenzweig, Jones, J. W., Hatfield, J. L., Ruane, A. C., Boote, K. J., Thorburn, P., Antle, J. M., Nelson, G. C., Porter, C., Janssen, S., Asseng, S., Basso, B., Ewert, F., Wallach, D., Baigorria, G., and Winter, J. M., The Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP): Protocols and pilot studies, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, vol. 170, pp. 166 - 182, 2013.
M. M. Dalton and Olen, B., Agriculture: Impacts, Adaptation, and Mitigation, in Climate change in the Northwest: Implications for our landscapes, waters, and communities, Island Press, 2013.
J. S. Noller, Sowers, J. M., and Lettis, W. R., Eds., AGU Reference ShelfQuaternary Geochronology: Methods and Applications, vol. 4. Washington, D. C.: American Geophysical Union, 2013.