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Journal Article
F. Yuan, R. Schreiner, P., Osborne, J. P., and Qian, M. C., Effects of Soil NPK Supply on Pinot noir Wine Phenolics and Aroma Composition, American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, vol. 69, no. 4, pp. 371 - 385, 2018.
R. S. Marques, Chagas, L. J., Owens, F. N., and Santos, F. A. P., Effects of various roughage levels with whole flint corn grain on performance of finishing cattle1, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 94247684848587817675868687762790827223937576631481775973503574853924858076, no. 1Suppl. 2Suppl. 3, pp. 339 - 348, 2016.
R. O'Connor, Blumenthal, D. M., Ocheltree, T. W., and Nippert, J. B., Elevated CO2 Counteracts Effects of Water Stress on Woody Rangeland-Encroaching Species, Tree Physiology, 2022.
R. O'Connor, Blumenthal, D. M., Ocheltree, T. W., and Nippert, J. B., Elevated CO2 Counteracts Effects of Water Stress on Woody Rangeland-Encroaching Species, Tree Physiology, 2022.
E. Oh and Parke, J. L., Phytophthora katsurae, Forest Phytophthoras, vol. 2, no. 1, 2012.
K. L. Howe, Contreras-Moreira, B., De Silva, N., Maslen, G., Akanni, W., Allen, J., Alvarez-Jarreta, J., Barba, M., Bolser, D. M., Cambell, L., Carbajo, M., Chakiachvili, M., Christensen, M., Cummins, C., Cuzick, A., Davis, P., Fexova, S., Gall, A., George, N., Gil, L., Gupta, P., Hammond-Kosack, K. E., Haskell, E., Hunt, S. E., Jaiswal, P., Janacek, S. H., Kersey, P. J., Langridge, N., Maheswari, U., Maurel, T., McDowall, M. D., Moore, B., Muffato, M., Naamati, G., Naithani, S., Olson, A., Papatheodorou, I., Patricio, M., Paulini, M., Pedro, H., Perry, E., Preece, J., Rosello, M., Russell, M., Sitnik, V., Staines, D. M., Stein, J., Tello-Ruiz, M. K., Trevanion, S. J., Urban, M., Wei, S., Ware, D., Williams, G., Yates, A. D., and Flicek, P., Ensembl Genomes 2020-enabling non-vertebrate genomic research., Nucleic acids research, 2019.
S. Derville, Constantine, R., Baker, C. S., Oremus, M., and Torres, L. G., Environmental correlates of nearshore habitat distribution by the Critically Endangered Maūi dolphin, Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 551, pp. 261 - 275, 2016.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Astatkie, T., O'Brocki, B., and Jeliazkova, E. A., Essential Oil Composition and Yield of Anise from Different Distillation Times, HortScience, vol. 48, pp. 1393-1396, 2013.
V. D. Zheljazkov, Astatkie, T., O'Brocki, B., and Jeliazkova, E. A., Essential oil composition and yield of anise from different distillation times, HortScience, vol. 48, no. 11, 2013.
C. D. Woodruff, Clark, P. E., Olsoy, P. J., and Enterkine, J., Estimation of leaf area index in sagebrush steppe with low cost unoccupied aerial systems, Landscape Ecology, vol. 40, no. 2, 2025.
H. Y. Sintim, Zheljazkov, V. D., Obour, A. K., Garcia y Garcia, A., and Foulke, T. K., Evaluating agronomic responses of camelina to seeding date under rain-fed conditions, Agronomy Journal, vol. 108, pp. 349-357, 2016.
H. Y. Sintim, Zheljazkov, V. D., Obour, A. K., Garcia y Garcia, A., and Foulke, T. K., Evaluating Agronomic Responses of Camelina to Seeding Date under Rain-Fed Conditions, Agronomy Journal, vol. 108, no. 1, p. 349, 2016.
I. A. Titaley, Walden, D. M., Dorn, S. E., O Ogba, M., Simonich, S. L. Massey, and Cheong, P. Ha- Yeon, Evaluating Computational and Structural Approaches to Predict Transformation Products of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons., Environ Sci Technol, 2018.
C. Landgren, Owen, J. S., and Contreras, R., Evaluating Soil and Foliar Fertilization of Abies nordmanniana Under Container and Field Production, Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, vol. 28, no. 52, pp. 419 - 427, 2013.
R. Contreras, Owen, J. S., Hanna, W., and Schwartz, B. M., Evaluation of Seven Complex Pennisetum Hybrids for Container and Landscape Performance in the Pacific Northwestern United States, HortTechnology, vol. 23, no. 4, 2013.
S. E. McCord, Brehm, J. R., Condon, L. A., Dreesmann, L. T., Ellsworth, L. M., Germino, M. J., Herrick, J. E., Howard, B. K., Kachergis, E., Karl, J. W., Knight, A., Meadors, S., Nafus, A., Newingham, B. A., Olsoy, P. J., Pietrasiak, N., Pilliod, D. S., Schaefer, A., Webb, N. P., Wheeler, B., C. Williams, J., and Young, K. E., Evaluation of the Gap Intercept Method to Measure Rangeland Connectivity, Rangeland Ecology & Management, 2024.
G. G. Katul, Oren, R., Manzoni, S., Higgins, C. W., and Parlange, M. B., Evapotranspiration: A process driving mass transport and energy exchange in the soil-plant-atmosphere-climate system, Reviews of Geophysics, vol. 50, 2012.
A. Sereni, Osborne, J. P., and Tomasino, E., Exploring retro-nasal aroma’s influence on mouthfeel perception of Chardonnay wines, Beverages, vol. 2, 2016.
P. O. Dunn, Ahmed, I., Armstrong, E., Barlow, N., Barnard, M. A., Bélisle, M., Benson, T. J., Berzins, L. L., Boynton, C. K., T. Brown, A., Cady, M., Cameron, K., Chen, X., Clark, R. G., Clotfelter, E. D., Cromwell, K., Dawson, R. D., Denton, E. M., Forbes, A., Fowler, K., Fraser, K. C., Gandhi, K. J. K., Garant, D., Hiebert, M., Houchen, C., Houtz, J., Imlay, T. L., Inouye, B. D., Inouye, D. W., Jackson, M., Jacobson, A. P., Jayd, K., Juteau, C., Kautz, A., Killian, C., Kinnear, E., Komatsu, K. J., Larsen, K., Laughlin, A., Levesque‐Beaudin, V., Leys, R., Long, E., Lougheed, S. C., Mackenzie, S., Marangelo, J., Miller, C., Molano‐Flores, B., Morrissey, C. A., Nicholls, E., Orlofske, J. M., Pearse, I. S., Pelletier, F., Pitt, A. L., Poston, J. P., Racke, D. M., Randall, J. A., Richardson, M. L., Rooney, O., A. Ruegg, R., Rush, S., Ryan, S. J., Sadowski, M., Schoepf, I., Schulz, L., Shea, B., Sheehan, T. N., Siefferman, L., Sikes, D., Stanback, M., Styrsky, J. D., Taff, C. C., Uehling, J. J., Uvino, K., Wassmer, T., Weglarz, K., Weinberger, M., Wenzel, J., and Whittingham, L. A., Extensive Regional Variation in the Phenology of Insects and Their Response to Temperature Across North America, Ecology, vol. 104, no. 5, 2023.
M. D. Smith, Wilkins, K. D., Holdrege, M. C., Wilfahrt, P., O'Connor, R., Larson, J. E., and Munson, S. M., Extreme Drought Impacts have been Underestimated in Grasslands and Shrublands Globally, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vol. 121, no. 4, 2024.
J. ós, Tomas, F., Terrados, J., Verbruggen, H., and Ballesteros, E., Fast-spreading green beds of recently introduced Halimeda incrassata invade Mallorca island (NW Mediterranean Sea), Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 558, pp. 153 - 158, 2016.
G. Cherian, Orr, A., Burke, I. C., and Pan, W., Feeding Artemisia annua alters digesta pH and muscle lipid oxidation products in broiler chickens, Poultry Science, vol. 92, no. 4, pp. 1085 - 1090, 2013.
S. A. Pothoven, Vanderploeg, H. A., Ludsin, S. A., öök, T. O., and Brandt, S. B., Feeding ecology of emerald shiners and rainbow smelt in central Lake Erie, Journal of Great Lakes Research, vol. 35, no. 2, pp. 190 - 198, 2009.
D. E. Wilkins, Wysocki, D. J., Siemans, M., Ott, S., Correa, B., and Johlke, T., Fertilizer Placement in annual Crop Direct Seeded Canola, Agri. Exp. Stn Special Report 1040, 2002.
J. Boll, Steenhuis, T. S., Selker, J., Nijssen, B. M., and Ochs, E. S., Fiberglass wicks for sampling water and solutes from the unsaturated zone, Paper-American Society of Agricultural Engineers (USA), 1990.