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D. W. Schwilk, Keeley, J. E., Knapp, E. E., McIver, J., Bailey, J. D., Fettig, C. J., Fiedler, C. E., Harrod, R. J., Moghaddas, J. J., Outcalt, K. W., Skinner, C. N., Stephens, S. L., Waldrop, T. A., Yaussy, D. A., and Youngblood, A., The National Fire and Fire Surrogate study: effects of fuel reduction methods on forest vegetation structure and fuels., Ecol Appl, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 285-304, 2009.
M. B. Parlange, Froidevaux, M., Higgins, C. W., Simeonov, V., Serikov, I., Ristori, P., Van den Bergh, H., and Calhoun, R., A new generation high resolution Raman lidar to measure temperature and humidity at the land-atmosphere interface, in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2009.
M. Froidevaux, Simeonov, V., Higgins, C. W., Ristori, P., Serikov, I., Van den Bergh, H., and Parlange, M. B., A new look to land-atmosphere interactions with water vapour and temperature Raman lidar, in 9th EMS Annual Meeting, 9th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM) Abstracts, held Sept. 28-Oct. 2, 2009 in Toulouse, France. http://meetings. copernicus. org/ems2009/, id. EMS2009-201., 2009.
R. Jing, Huang, C., Bai, C., Tanguay, R., and Dong, Q., Optimization of activation, collection, dilution, and storage methods for zebrafish sperm, Aquaculture, vol. 290, pp. 165–171, 2009.
R. Contreras, Ruter, J., and Hanna, W., An Oryzalin-induced Autoallooctoploid of Hibiscus acetosella ‘Panama Red’, Journal of American Horticultural Science, vol. 134, no. 5, 2009.
B. J. Hinds-Cook, Curtis, D. W., Hulting, A. G., and Mallory-Smith, C., Postemergence grass weed control options in vetch grown for seed, Seed Production Research at Oregon State University, 2009.
B. J. Hinds-Cook, Curtis, D. W., Hulting, A. G., and Mallory-Smith, C., Postemergence grass weed control options in vetch grown for seed, Seed Production Research at Oregon State University, 2009.
J. I. Rey, Hayes, P. M., Petrie, S., Corey, A., Flowers, M. D., Ohm, J. B., Ong, C. K., Rhinhart, K., and Ross, A. S., Production of Dryland Barley for Human Food: Quality and Agronomic Performance, Crop Science, vol. 49, no. 1, p. 347, 2009.
T. M. Hazzard, Prolonged Estrus, in Clinical Veterinary Advisor: Dogs and Cats , St. Louis, MO: Mosby Inc., 2009.
D. A. Ball and Hulting, A. G., Rattail Fescue - Biology and Management in Pacific Northwest Cropping Systems, PNW 613, 2009.
S. F. Holmer, HOMM, J. W., BERGER, L. L., Brewer, M. S., McKeith, F. K., and Killefer, J., REALIMENTATION OF CULL BEEF COWS. I. LIVE PERFORMANCE, CARCASS TRAITS AND MUSCLE CHARACTERISTICS, Journal of Muscle Foods, vol. 2067847484747467626183836521546179758383844848, no. 311292888331134113511144, pp. 293 - 306, 2009.
S. F. Holmer, HOMM, J. W., BERGER, L. L., Brewer, M. S., McKeith, F. K., and Killefer, J., REALIMENTATION OF CULL BEEF COWS. I. LIVE PERFORMANCE, CARCASS TRAITS AND MUSCLE CHARACTERISTICS, Journal of Muscle Foods, vol. 2067847484747467626183836521546179758383844848, no. 311292888331134113511144, pp. 293 - 306, 2009.
M. L. Kent, Feist, S. W., Harper, C., Hoogstraten-Miller, S., J. Law, M., ánchez-Morgado, éM., Tanguay, R. L., Sanders, G. E., Spitsbergen, J. M., and Whipps, C. M., Recommendations for control of pathogens and infectious diseases in fish research facilities, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, vol. 149, no. 2, pp. 240 - 248, 2009.
M. L. Kent, Feist, S. W., Harper, C., Hoogstraten-Miller, S., J. Law, M., ánchez-Morgado, éM., Tanguay, R. L., Sanders, G. E., Spitsbergen, J. M., and Whipps, C. M., Recommendations for control of pathogens and infectious diseases in fish research facilities, Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part C: Toxicology & Pharmacology, vol. 149, no. 2, pp. 240 - 248, 2009.
M. L. Kent, Feist, S. W., Harper, C., Hoogstraten-Miller, S., J Law, M., Sánchez-Morgado, J. M., Tanguay, R. L., Sanders, G. E., Spitsbergen, J. M., and Whipps, C. M., Recommendations for control of pathogens and infectious diseases in fish research facilities., Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol, vol. 149, no. 2, pp. 240-8, 2009.
M. L. Kent, Feist, S. W., Harper, C., Hoogstraten-Miller, S., J Law, M., Sánchez-Morgado, J. M., Tanguay, R. L., Sanders, G. E., Spitsbergen, J. M., and Whipps, C. M., Recommendations for control of pathogens and infectious diseases in fish research facilities., Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol, vol. 149, no. 2, pp. 240-8, 2009.
S. I. Rondon, Hane, D. C., Brown, C. R., M. Vales, I., and Dogramaci, M., Resistance of Potato Germplasm to the Potato Tuberworm (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae), Journal of Economic Entomology, vol. 102, no. 4, pp. 1649 - 1653, 2009.
H. Fireman, Yowell, L., Moloney, P. G., Arepalli, S., Nikolaev, P., Huffman, C., Ready, J., Higgins, C. D., Turano, S. P., Kohl, P. A., and , Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids for Electrochemical Capacitors, 2009.
H. Fireman, Yowell, L., Moloney, P. G., Arepalli, S., Nikolaev, P., Huffman, C., Ready, J., Higgins, C. D., Turano, S. P., Kohl, P. A., and , Room-Temperature Ionic Liquids for Electrochemical Capacitors, 2009.
G. R. Hosack, Li, H. W., and Rossignol, P. A., Sensitivity of system stability to model structure, Ecological Modelling, vol. 220, no. 8, pp. 1054 - 1062, 2009.
J. M. Hart, Sullivan, D. M., Gamroth, M. J., Downing, T., and Peters, A., Silage corn: western Oregon, Extension Service, Oregon State University, 2009.
A. D. Moore, Stark, J. C., Brown, B., and Hopkins, B., Southern Idaho Fertilizer Guide: Sugar Beets, University of Idaho Extension Publication. 2009.
M. S. Town, Walden, V. P., Huwald, H., Higgins, C. W., Nadeau, D., Simoni, S., and Parlange, M. B., Stable isotope variability in snow on an alpine glacier in Switzerland, in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2009.
M. S. Town, Walden, V. P., Huwald, H., Higgins, C. W., Nadeau, D., Simoni, S., and Parlange, M. B., Stable isotope variability in snow on an alpine glacier in Switzerland, in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2009.
N. J. Günwald, Goss, E. M., Ivors, K., Garbelotto, M., Martin, F. N., Prospero, S., Hansen, E. M., Bonants, P. J. M., Hamelin, R. C., Chastagner, G., Werres, S., Rizzo, D. M., Abad, G., Beales, P., Bilodeau, G. J., Blomquist, C. L., Brasier, C., Sère, S. C., Chandelier, A., Davidson, J. M., Denman, S., Elliott, M., Frankel, S. J., Goheen, E. M., de Gruyter, H., Heungens, K., James, D., Kanaskie, A., McWilliams, M. G., Veld, W. ‘t, Moralejo, E., Osterbauer, N. K., Palm, M. E., Parke, J., Sierra, A. Maria Pere, Shamoun, S. F., Shishkoff, N., Tooley, P. W., Vettraino, A. Maria, Webber, J., and Widmer, T. L., Standardizing the Nomenclature for Clonal Lineages of the Sudden Oak Death Pathogen, Phytophthora ramorum, Phytopathology, vol. 99, no. 7, pp. 792 - 795, 2009.