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D. B. Hannaway, Japhet, K., Ciaffoni, C., Sohn, P., and Dinsmore, M., Forage ID CD-ROM, Oregon State Univ. Spec. Pub. 2007.
A. Goyer, Collakova, E., Shachar-Hill, Y., and Hanson, A. D., Functional characterization of a methionine γ-lyase in Arabidopsis and its implication in an alternative to the reverse transsulfuration pathway, Plant and Cell Physiology, vol. 28, 2007.
C. D. Curtin, Bellon, J. R., Henschke, P. A., Godden, P. W., and Lopes, M. A. de Barro, Genetic diversity of Dekkera bruxellensis yeasts isolated from Australian wineries., FEMS Yeast Res, vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 471-81, 2007.
C. W. Higgins, Geometric alignments in atmospheric boundary layer turbulence and large eddy simulations, 2007.
D. Bachelet, Hooper, R. P., Cushing, J. B., van Puijenbroek, P., Eckman, B., and Worrest, R. C., Global climate change implications for digital government research: keynote panel, in Proceedings of the 8th annual international conference on Digital government research: bridging disciplines & domains, 2007.
C. Mallory-Smith, Hulting, A. G., Thill, D., Morishita, D. W., and Krenz, J., Herbicide-Resistant Weeds and Their Management, PNW 437, 2007.
C. Y. Usenko, Harper, S., and Tanguay, R. L., In vivo evaluation of carbon fullerene toxicity using embryonic zebrafish, Carbon, vol. 45, pp. 1891–1898, 2007.
C. Y. Usenko, Harper, S. L., and Tanguay, R. L., In vivo evaluation of carbon fullerene toxicity using embryonic zebrafish, Carbon, vol. 45, no. 9, pp. 1891 - 1898, 2007.
C. Y. Usenko, Harper, S. L., and Tanguay, R. L., In vivo evaluation of carbon fullerene toxicity using embryonic zebrafish., Carbon N Y, vol. 45, no. 9, pp. 1891-1898, 2007.
L. Conterno, Lasik, G., Tomasino, E., Schneider, K., Hesford, F., and Henick-Kling, T., Influence of sugar and nitrogen sources on growth and phenolic off-flavor production by Brettanomyces bruxellensis isolated from wine, in American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 2007.
L. Conterno, Lasik, G., Tomasino, E., Schneider, K., Hesford, F., and Henick-Kling, T., Influence of sugar and nitrogen sources on growth and phenolic off-flavor production by Brettanomyces bruxellensis isolated from wine, in American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 2007.
B. A. Melbourne, Cornell, H. V., Davies, K. F., Dugaw, C. J., Elmendorf, S., Freestone, A. L., Hall, R. J., Harrison, S., Hastings, A., Holland, M., Holyoak, M., Lambrinos, J. G., Moore, K., and Yokomizo, H., Invasion in a heterogeneous world: resistance, coexistence or hostile takeover?, Ecol Lett, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 77-94, 2007.
B. A. Melbourne, Cornell, H. V., Davies, K. F., Dugaw, C. J., Elmendorf, S., Freestone, A. L., Hall, R. J., Harrison, S., Hastings, A., Holland, M., Holyoak, M., Lambrinos, J. G., Moore, K., and Yokomizo, H., Invasion in a heterogeneous world: resistance, coexistence or hostile takeover?, Ecol Lett, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 77-94, 2007.
B. A. Melbourne, Cornell, H. V., Davies, K. F., Dugaw, C. J., Elmendorf, S., Freestone, A. L., Hall, R. J., Harrison, S., Hastings, A., Holland, M., Holyoak, M., Lambrinos, J. G., Moore, K., and Yokomizo, H., Invasion in a heterogeneous world: resistance, coexistence or hostile takeover?, Ecol Lett, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 77-94, 2007.
B. A. Melbourne, Cornell, H. V., Davies, K. F., Dugaw, C. J., Elmendorf, S., Freestone, A. L., Hall, R. J., Harrison, S., Hastings, A., Holland, M., Holyoak, M., Lambrinos, J. G., Moore, K., and Yokomizo, H., Invasion in a heterogeneous world: resistance, coexistence or hostile takeover?, Ecol Lett, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 77-94, 2007.
B. A. Melbourne, Cornell, H. V., Davies, K. F., Dugaw, C. J., Elmendorf, S., Freestone, A. L., Hall, R. J., Harrison, S., Hastings, A., Holland, M., Holyoak, M., Lambrinos, J. G., Moore, K., and Yokomizo, H., Invasion in a heterogeneous world: resistance, coexistence or hostile takeover?, Ecol Lett, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 77-94, 2007.
B. A. Melbourne, Cornell, H. V., Davies, K. F., Dugaw, C. J., Elmendorf, S., Freestone, A. L., Hall, R. J., Harrison, S., Hastings, A., Holland, M., Holyoak, M., Lambrinos, J. G., Moore, K., and Yokomizo, H., Invasion in a heterogeneous world: resistance, coexistence or hostile takeover?, Ecology Letters, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 77 - 94, 2007.
B. A. Melbourne, Cornell, H. V., Davies, K. F., Dugaw, C. J., Elmendorf, S., Freestone, A. L., Hall, R. J., Harrison, S., Hastings, A., Holland, M., Holyoak, M., Lambrinos, J. G., Moore, K., and Yokomizo, H., Invasion in a heterogeneous world: resistance, coexistence or hostile takeover?, Ecology Letters, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 77 - 94, 2007.
B. A. Melbourne, Cornell, H. V., Davies, K. F., Dugaw, C. J., Elmendorf, S., Freestone, A. L., Hall, R. J., Harrison, S., Hastings, A., Holland, M., Holyoak, M., Lambrinos, J. G., Moore, K., and Yokomizo, H., Invasion in a heterogeneous world: resistance, coexistence or hostile takeover?, Ecology Letters, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 77 - 94, 2007.
B. A. Melbourne, Cornell, H. V., Davies, K. F., Dugaw, C. J., Elmendorf, S., Freestone, A. L., Hall, R. J., Harrison, S., Hastings, A., Holland, M., Holyoak, M., Lambrinos, J. G., Moore, K., and Yokomizo, H., Invasion in a heterogeneous world: resistance, coexistence or hostile takeover?, Ecology Letters, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 77 - 94, 2007.
B. A. Melbourne, Cornell, H. V., Davies, K. F., Dugaw, C. J., Elmendorf, S., Freestone, A. L., Hall, R. J., Harrison, S., Hastings, A., Holland, M., Holyoak, M., Lambrinos, J. G., Moore, K., and Yokomizo, H., Invasion in a heterogeneous world: resistance, coexistence or hostile takeover?, Ecology Letters, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 77 - 94, 2007.
M. BA, HV, C., KF, D., CJ, D., S, E., AL, F., RJ, H., S, H., A, H., M, H., M, H., J, L., K, M., and H, Y., Invasion in a heterogeneous world: resistance, coexistence or hostile takeover?, Ecology Letters, vol. 10, pp. 77-94, 2007.
M. BA, HV, C., KF, D., CJ, D., S, E., AL, F., RJ, H., S, H., A, H., M, H., M, H., J, L., K, M., and H, Y., Invasion in a heterogeneous world: resistance, coexistence or hostile takeover?, Ecology Letters, vol. 10, pp. 77-94, 2007.
J. L. Parke, Oh, E., Voelker, S., Hansen, E. M., Buckles, G., and Lachenbruch, B., Phytophthora ramorum Colonizes Tanoak Xylem and Is Associated with Reduced Stem Water Transport, Phytopathology, vol. 97, no. 12, pp. 1558 - 1567, 2007.
C. Marchive, Mzid, R., Deluc, L. G., Barrieu, F., Pirrello, J., Gauthier, A., Corio-Costet, M. - F., Regad, F., Cailleteau, B., Hamdi, S., and Lauvergeat, V., Isolation and characterization of a Vitis vinifera transcription factor, VvWRKY1, and its effect on responses to fungal pathogens in transgenic tobacco plants, Journal of Experimental Botany, vol. 58, no. 8, pp. 1999 - 2010, 2007.