
Found 2207 results
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Journal Article
J. Sun, Todd, J. D., J Thrash, C., Qian, Y. P. L., Qian, M. C., Temperton, B., Guo, J., Fowler, E. K., Aldrich, J. T., Nicora, C. D., Lipton, M. S., Smith, R. D., De Leenheer, P., Payne, S. H., Johnston, A. W. B., Davie-Martin, C. L., Halsey, K. H., and Giovannoni, S. J., The abundant marine bacterium Pelagibacter simultaneously catabolizes dimethylsulfoniopropionate to the gases dimethyl sulfide and methanethiol., Nat Microbiol, vol. 1, no. 8, p. 16065, 2016.
R. Constantine, Jackson, J. A., Steel, D., Baker, C. S., Brooks, L., Burns, D., Clapham, P., Hauser, N., Madon, B., Mattila, D., Oremus, M., M. Poole, M., Robbins, J., Thompson, K. F., and Garrigue, C., Abundance of humpback whales in Oceania using photo-identification and microsatellite genotyping, Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 453, pp. 249 - 261, 2012.
S. A. Filichkin, Hamilton, M., Dharmawardhana, P. D., Singh, S. K., Sullivan, C., Ben-Hur, A., Reddy, A. S. N., and Jaiswal, P., Abiotic Stresses Modulate Landscape of Poplar Transcriptome via Alternative Splicing, Differential Intron Retention, and Isoform Ratio Switching., Frontiers in plant science, vol. 9, p. 5, 2018.
M. L. Merrill, Bohnert, D. W., Harmon, D. L., Craig, A. M., and Schrick, F. N., The ability of a yeast-derived cell wall preparation to minimize the toxic effects of high-ergot alkaloid tall fescue straw in beef cattle1,2, Journal of Animal Science, vol. 858481718063858182736468605258817958135167551872701571734670103216975665444477265312215MP80–A4919, no. 10Suppl. 1Suppl. 1Suppl. 1Suppl. 14, pp. 2596 - 2605, 2007.
A. Goyer, Callakova, E., R de la Garza, D., Quinlivan, E. P., Williamson, J., Gregory, III, J. F., Shachar-Hill, Y., and Hanson, A. D., 5-Formyltetrahydrofolate is an inhibitory but well tolerated metabolite in Arabidopsis leaves, The Journal of Biological Chemistry, vol. 280, 2005.
S. Johnson, Cooke, R. F., Dahlke, G. R., Funston, R. N., Hall, J. B., Kesler, D. J., Lamb, G. C., Lauderdale, J., Patterson, D. J., Perry, G. A., Strohbehn, D. R., and Van Eenennaam, A. L., 1166 History of the development of the Beef Reproduction Task Force (BRTF) and impacts of the BRTF on beef cattle reproductive management., Journal of Animal Science, vol. 94, no. supplement5, p. 559, 2016.
Extension Publication
A. Chozinski, Zimmerman, S., Kean, D., Myers, J. R., McKenzie, L., and Hagerty, C., Vegetable Variety Trials 2010, OSUES EM8777-10. 2011.
L. Burrill, Peachey, E., and Hill, J., Time-lapse photography of weeds killed by herbicides, Oregon State University. 1988.
A. D. Moore, Stark, J. C., Brown, B., and Hopkins, B., Southern Idaho Fertilizer Guide: Sugar Beets, University of Idaho Extension Publication. 2009.
A. D. Moore, Corey, A., Hines, S., and Brown, B., Southern Idaho Fertilizer Guide: Beans, University of Idaho Extension Publication. 2012.
J. M. Hart, Sullivan, D. M., Myers, J. R., and Peachey, R. E., Nutrient Management Guide Sweet Corn (Western Oregon), OSUES EM 9010-E. 2010.
J. M. Hart, Sullivan, D. M., Myers, J. R., and Peachey, E., Nutrient management guide for sweet corn, EM 9010-E. 2010.
J. A. Tanaka, Rimbey, N. R., L. Torell, A., L. Torell, A., Rimbey, N. R., and Harris, L., New Faces: What does it mean for sustainable rangeland management, Current Issues in Rangeland Resource Economics. Proceedings of a symposium sponsored by Western Coordinating Committees 55 and 40. W. Regional Publication. USU Ag. Exp. Sta, Research Rep. 190, Logan , UT, 2004.
A. Heinrich, Stone, A., Sullivan, D. M., Myers, J. R., and Peachey, E., Integrated Clubroot Management for Brassicas: Nonchemical control strategies, OSUES EM 9148. 2016.
J. R. Haag, Hubbert, F., Sawyer, W. A., and Wheeler, R. R., The effects of low supplementary phosphorus intakes on range cows in the sagebrush-bunchgrass region. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1958.
J. R. Haag, Hubbert, F., Sawyer, W. A., and Wheeler, R. R., The effects of low supplementary phosphorus intakes on range cows in the sagebrush-bunchgrass region. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1958.
L. Hunter, Moore, A. D., and Falen, C., Cover crops for high desert farming systems in Idaho, University of Idaho Extension Publication. 2014.
R. F. Angell, Delcurto, T., Ganskopp, D. C., Hammond, L., Miller, R. F., Turner, H. A., and Vavra, M., Considerations for Rangeland and Livestock During Drought. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1990.
W. F. Brannon, Haag, J. R., Hubbert, F., Sawyer, W. A., and Schubert, J. R., The carotene content of stored meadow hay in the Northern Great Basin. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1956.
W. F. Brannon, Haag, J. R., Hubbert, F., Sawyer, W. A., and Schubert, J. R., The carotene content of stored meadow hay in the Northern Great Basin. Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station, 1956.
Conference Proceedings
P. B. Hamm, Rondon, S. I., Eggers, J. E., Crosslin, J. M., and Munyaneza, J. E., Zebra chip: the Columbia Basin experience in Oregon and Washington in 2011, 96th Annual Meeting of the Potato Association of America. Potato Association of America, Denver, Colorado, p. 13, 2012.
S. I. Rondon and Hamm, P. B., Zebra Chip: a new potato pest in the Columbia Basin of Oregon and Washington, 71st annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference. Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, Portland, Oregon, pp. 45-47, 2012.