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“Hydrodistillation time affects dill seed essential oil yield, composition, and bioactivity”, Industrial Crops and Products, vol. 63, pp. 190-196, 2015.
, “Hydrologic Connectivity of Head Waters and Floodplains in a Semi-Arid Watershed”, Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, vol. 15241364579331181374247, no. 1123410, pp. 69 - 78, 2013.
, “Hypoxia affects spatial distributions and overlap of pelagic fish, zooplankton, and phytoplankton in Lake Erie”, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, vol. 381, pp. S92 - S107, 2009.
, “Identification of a Raloxifene Analog That Promotes AhR-Mediated Apoptosis in Cancer Cells”, Biology (Basel), vol. 6, no. 4, 2017.
, “Identification of a Raloxifene Analog That Promotes AhR-Mediated Apoptosis in Cancer Cells.”, Biology (Basel), vol. 6, no. 4, 2017.
, “Impact of acetaldehyde- and pyruvic acid-bound sulphur dioxide on wine lactic acid bacteria.”, Lett Appl Microbiol, vol. 54, no. 3, pp. 187-94, 2012.
, “The impact of low-dose carcinogens and environmental disruptors on tissue invasion and metastasis”, Carcinogenesis, vol. 36, pp. S128–S159, 2015.
, “The impact of low-dose carcinogens and environmental disruptors on tissue invasion and metastasis”, Carcinogenesis, vol. 36, pp. S128–S159, 2015.
, “The impact of low-dose carcinogens and environmental disruptors on tissue invasion and metastasis”, Carcinogenesis, vol. 36, pp. S128–S159, 2015.
, “Impact of malolactic fermentation on the color and color stability of pinot noir and merlot wine”, American journal of enology and viticulture, p. ajev–2013, 2013.
, “Impact of Oenococcus oeni on wine hydroxycinnamic acids and volatile phenol production by Brettanomyces bruxellensis”, American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, vol. 66, 2015.
, “Impact of Pediococcus spp. on Pinot noir wine quality and growth of Brettanomyces”, American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, vol. 67, 2016.
, “The impact of soil NPK supply on Pinot noir wine phenolics and aroma composition”, American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, vol. 69, 2018.
, “Impact of yeast on the aroma and flavour of Oregon Pinot Noir wine”, Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research, vol. 18, pp. 131–137, 2012.
, “Impact of yeast present during prefermentation cold maceration of Pinot noir grapes on wine volatile aromas”, American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, p. ajev–2016, 2016.
, “Impacts from Wildfires on Livestock Health and Production: Producer Perspectives”, Animals, vol. 11, no. 11, p. 3230, 2021.
, “Impacts of small-scale variability on the determination of bulk thermal diffusivity in snowpacks”, in EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 2012.
, “Impacts of Water Scarcity and Climate on Land Use for Irrigated Agriculture in the US West Coast”. 2015.
, “Induction of aberrant crypt foci in DNA mismatch repair-deficient mice by the food-borne carcinogen 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo [4,5-b] pyridine (PhIP)”, Cancer Letters, vol. 244, no. 1, pp. 79 - 85, 2006.
, “Induction of apoptosis and suppression of tumor growth by Nur77-derived Bcl-2 converting peptide in chemoresistant lung cancer cells.”, Oncotarget, vol. 9, no. 40, pp. 26072-26085, 2018.
, “Influence of immune-relevant genotype on the reproductive success of a salmonid alternative mating strategy”, Journal of Fish Biology, vol. 86, no. 3, pp. 871 - 881, 2015.
, “Influence of nitrogen and sulfur application on camelina performance under dryland conditions”, Industrial Crops and Products, vol. 70, pp. 253 - 259, 2015.
, “Influence of nitrogen and sulfur application on camelina performance under dryland conditions”, Industrial Crops and Products, vol. 70, pp. 253–259, 2015.
, “Influence of nitrogen and sulfur application on camelina performance under dryland conditions ”, Industrial Crops and Products, vol. 70, pp. 253-259, 2015.