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Conference Proceedings
J. Antwi, Rondon, S. I., Frost, K., Goyer, A., and Cating, R. A., Taking a second look at Lygus in the Pacific Northwest, 75th annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference. Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, Portland, Oregon, pp. 54-57, 2016.
G. H. Clough and Rondon, S. I., Sweet corn earworm control trial in eastern Oregon in 2008, 68th annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference. Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, Portland, Oregon, pp. 69-70, 2009.
S. Ates, ÇİÇEK, H., Lindsay, W., Hayley, C. N., Mayberry, D. E., Kassam, S., Hannaway, D. B., and Louhaichi, M., Sustainable Development of Smallholder Crop-Livestock Farming in Developing Countries, 4th International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Environment, vol. 142. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, Solo, Indonesia, 2017.
A. P. Brandão and Cooke, R. F., Supplementing CA Salts of Soybean Oil to Late-Gestating Beef Cows: Impacts on Performance and Physiological Responses of the Offspring, vol. 4. Translational Animal Science, pp. S22-S26, 2020.
K. M. Schubach, Supplementing a Yeast-Derived Product to Enhance Productive and Health Responses of Feeder Steers, American Society of Animal Science, Western Section. Oregon State University, Fargo, North Dakota, 2017.
P. Chakrabarti and Sagili, R., Sterol nutritional physiology in honey bees, Proceedings of the 2018 American Bee Research Conference, Bee World. 2018.
J. G. Kie, Ager, A. A., Cimon, N. J., Wisdom, M. J., Rowland, M. M., Coe, P. K., Findholt, S. L., Johnson, B. K., and Vavra, M., The Starkey databases: spatial-environmental relations of North American elk, mule deer, and cattle at the Starkey Experimental Forest and Range in northeastern Oregon , Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 69. pp. 475-490, 2004.
J. G. Kie, Ager, A. A., Cimon, N. J., Wisdom, M. J., Rowland, M. M., Coe, P. K., Findholt, S. L., Johnson, B. K., and Vavra, M., The Starkey databases: spatial-environmental relations of North American elk, mule deer, and cattle at the Starkey Experimental Forest and Range in northeastern Oregon , Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 69. pp. 475-490, 2004.
E. Darambazar, Damiran, D., Delcurto, T., Riggs, B., Vavra, M., and Cook, J., Species diversity in understory production of transitional forested rangelands in the Blue Mountains of Eastern Oregon [abstract #109], : Abstracts for the 60th Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management. Reno/Sparks, Nevada, 2007.
E. Darambazar, Delcurto, T., Damiran, D., Clark, A. A., and Taylor, R. V., Species composition and diversity on northwestern bunchgrass prairie rangelands, Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. , vol. 58. University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho, pp. 233-236, 2007.
P. Chakrabarti and Sagili, R., Section II: Bees and Pollinators, 77th Annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference Research Reports. Portland, Oregon, USA, 2018.
P. Chakrabarti, Rana, S., Bandopadhyay, S., Naik, D. G., Naik, D. G., and Basu, P., Section II: Bees and Pollinators, 77th Annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference Research Reports. Portland, Oregon, USA, 2018.
M. Vavra, Wisdom, M. J., Kie, J. G., Cook, J. G., and Riggs, R. A., The role of ungulate herbivory and management on ecosystem patterns and processes: future direction of the Starkey Project , Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 69. pp. 785-797, 2004.
S. J. DeBano, Clough, G. H., David, N., Hamm, P. B., Jensen, A., Scheiber, A., Wooster, D. E., and Rondon, S. I., Research on the development, biology, and control of potato tubermoth in the Columbia Basin conducted at OSU’s Hermiston Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Washington State Potato Conference. Washington State Potato Conference, Moses Lake, Washington, pp. 13-38, 2006.
R. Contreras, Friddle, M. W., and Lattier, J. D., Relative fertility and ploidy levels of selected rose of sharon cultivars, Proc. 58th Ann. SNA Res. Conf., vol. 58:232-236. 2013.
G. H. Clough, Rondon, S. I., DeBano, S. J., David, N., and Hamm, P. B., Reducing potato tuberworm damage with cultural practices, Washington State Potato Commission. Washington State Potato Commission, Moses Lake, Washington, pp. 7-13, 2007.
S. I. Rondon, Corp, M. K., and VanVleet, S., Quantifying the benefit of train-the trainer insect identification workshops in Oregon and Washington: how far can we go? , OSU Outreach and Engagement Conference. OSUEA Poster Session, Corvallis, Oregon, 2012.
D. W. Bohnert, Delcurto, T., Clark, A. A., Merrill, M. L., Falck, S. J., and Harmon, D. L., Protein supplementation of ruminants consuming low-quality cool- or warm-season forage: Differences in intake and digestibility, American Society of Animal Science - Western Section, vol. 58, no. 11. 2007.
R. Contreras and Ruter, J. M., Preliminary efforts to induce polyploidy in Cryptomeria japonica., Proc. 53rd Ann. SNA Res. Conf., vol. 53:159-161. 2008.
S. I. Rondon, Clough, G. H., Dogramaci, M., DeBano, S. J., Hamm, P. B., and Jensen, A., Potato tuberworm research in the Columbia Basin 2006, Washington State Potato Commission. Washington State Potato Commission, Moses Lake, Washington, pp. 99-103, 2007.
S. I. Rondon, DeBano, S. J., Dogramaci, M., and Clough, G. H., Potato tuberworm pesticide screening results in Oregon, 66th annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference. Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, Portland, Oregon, p. 6, 2007.
S. I. Rondon, Corp, M., Marshall, C., and Van Vleet, S. M., A pest and beneficial insect “train-the-trainer” short course program for the Pacific Northwest, 70th annual Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference. Pacific Northwest Insect Management Conference, Portland, Oregon, pp. 55-56, 2011.
R. Contreras, Ornamental Plant Breeding at Oregon State University, Combined Proceedings of the International Plant Propagators' Society 63. 2014.
J. G. Cook, Johnson, B. K., Cook, R. C., Riggs, R. A., Delcurto, T., Bryant, L. D., and Irwin, L. L., Nutrition and parturition date effects elk: Potential implications for research and management, Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 69. 2004.
J. G. Cook, Johnson, B. K., Cook, R. C., Riggs, R. A., Delcurto, T., Bryant, L. D., and Irwin, L. L., Nutrition and parturition date effects elk: Potential implications for research and management, Transactions of the North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference 69. 2004.