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Journal Article
M. A. Weltz, Jolley, L., Goodrich, D. C., Boykin, K., Nearing, M., Stone, J., Guertin, P., Hernandez, M., Spaeth, K. E., Pierson, F. B., Morris, C., and Kepner, B., Techniques for assessing the environmental outcomes of conservation practices applied to rangeland watersheds, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, vol. 66, no. 5, p. 154A - 162A, 2011.
D. R. Bailey, Owen, J. S., Selker, J., and Wagner, J., Technical Note: In-Situ Performance and Usability of a Distributed, Wireless Sensor Network via Mesh Connectivity at a Production Container Nursery, Applied Engineering in Agriculture, vol. 29, pp. 779–782, 2013.
C. Weiss, Faust, D., Dürk, H., Kolluri, S., Pelzer, A., Schneider, S., Dietrich, C., Oesch, F., and Göttlicher, M., TCDD induces c-jun expression via a novel Ah (dioxin) receptor-mediated p38-MAPK-dependent pathway., Oncogene, vol. 24, no. 31, pp. 4975-83, 2005.
R. L. Wolff, Comps, B., Marpeau, A. M., and Deluc, L. G., Taxonomy of Pinus species based on the seed oil fatty acid compositions, Trees: Structure and Function, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 113-118, 1997.
D. Lewis, Plantinga, A. J., and Wu, J. J., Targeting incentives to reduce habitat fragmentation, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 91, pp. 1080–1096, 2009.
J. J. Wu and Skelton-Groth, K., Targeting conservation efforts in the presence of threshold effects and ecosystem linkages, Ecological Economics, vol. 42, pp. 313–331, 2002.
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L. Mu, Drandarov, K., Bisson, W. H., Schibig, A., Wirz, C., P Schubiger, A., and Westera, G., Synthesis and binding studies of epibatidine analogues as ligands for the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, European journal of medicinal chemistry, vol. 41, pp. 640–650, 2006.
L. Mu, Drandarov, K., Bisson, W. H., Schibig, A., Wirz, C., P Schubiger, A., and Westera, G., Synthesis and binding studies of epibatidine analogues as ligands for the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, European journal of medicinal chemistry, vol. 41, pp. 640–650, 2006.
J. McIver, Brunson, M., Bunting, S. C., Chambers, J., Doescher, P. S., Grace, J., Hulet, A., Johnson, D., Knick, S., Miller, R. F., Pellant, M. L., Pierson, F. B., Pyke, D., Rau, B. M., Rollins, K. S., Roundy, B. A., Schupp, E. W., Tausch, R. J., and Williams, J., A Synopsis of Short-Term Response to Alternative Restoration Treatments in Sagebrush-Steppe: The SageSTEP Project, Rangeland Ecology & Management, vol. 67, no. 5, pp. 584 - 598, 2014.
D. J. Bruck and Walton, V. M., Susceptibility of the filbertworm (Cydia latiferreana, Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) and filbert weevil (Curculio occidentalis, Coleoptera: Curculionidae) to entomopathogenic nematodes, Journal of Invertebrate Pathology, vol. 96, no. 1, pp. 93 - 96, 2007.
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V. M. Walton and Pringle, K. L., A Survey of Mealybugs and Associated Natural Enemies in Vineyards in the Western Cape Province, South Africa, South African Journal of Enology & Viticulture, vol. 25, no. 1, 2017.
L. Truong, Tilton, F., Zaikova, T., Richman, E., Waters, K. M., Hutchison, J. E., and Tanguay, R. L., Surface functionalities of gold nanoparticles impact embryonic gene expression responses, Nanotoxicology, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 192 - 201, 2013.
L. Truong, Tilton, S. C., Zaikova, T., Richman, E., Waters, K. M., Hutchison, J. E., and Tanguay, R. L., Surface functionalities of gold nanoparticles impact embryonic gene expression responses., Nanotoxicology, vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 192-201, 2013.
C. Levard, Hotze, E. M., Colman, B. P., Dale, A. L., Truong, L., Yang, X. Y., Bone, A. J., Brown, G. E., Tanguay, R. L., Di Giulio, R. T., Bernhardt, E. S., Meyer, J. N., Wiesner, M. R., and Lowry, G. V., Sulfidation of silver nanoparticles: natural antidote to their toxicity., Environ Sci Technol, vol. 47, no. 23, pp. 13440-8, 2013.
C. Levard, Hotze, E. M., Colman, B. P., Dale, A. L., Truong, L., Yang, X. Y., Bone, A. J., Brown, G. E., Tanguay, R. L., Di Giulio, R. T., Bernhardt, E. S., Meyer, J. N., Wiesner, M. R., and Lowry, G. V., Sulfidation of Silver Nanoparticles: Natural Antidote to Their Toxicity, Environmental Science & Technology, vol. 47, no. 23, pp. 13440 - 13448, 2013.
Y. Huiguo, Wu, S., Lei, Z., Rondon, S. I., and Gao, Y., Sub-lethal effects of Beauveria basiana (Balsamo) on field populations of the potato tuberworm Phthorimae operculella Zeller in China, Journal of Integrative Agriculture, 2018.
G. Wingenbach, Boyd, B., Lindner, J., Dick, S., Arispe, S. A., and Haba, S., Students’ Knowledge and Attitudes about International Agricultural Issues, Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education, vol. 10, no. 3, 2003.
B. C. Goodale, Tilton, S. C., Corvi, M. M., Wilson, G. R., Janszen, D. B., Anderson, K. A., Waters, K. M., and Tanguay, R. L., Structurally distinct polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons induce differential transcriptional responses in developing zebrafish, Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, vol. 272, no. 3, pp. 656 - 670, 2013.
B. C. Goodale, Tilton, S. C., Corvi, M. M., Wilson, G. R., Janszen, D. B., Anderson, K. A., Waters, K. M., and Tanguay, R. L., Structurally distinct polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons induce differential transcriptional responses in developing zebrafish., Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, vol. 272, no. 3, pp. 656-70, 2013.
B. C. Goodale, Tilton, S. C., Corvi, M. M., Wilson, G. R., Janszen, D. B., Anderson, K. A., Waters, K. M., and Tanguay, R. L., Structurally distinct polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons induce differential transcriptional responses in developing zebrafish., Toxicol Appl Pharmacol, vol. 272, no. 3, pp. 656-70, 2013.