Agency and Industry Links
- 2016 FDA Seafood Complete List - US FDA
- Aquatic Species Fact Sheets - FAO
- California Living Marine Resources: A Status Report (2001) - CDFG
- California, Major Fish Species - CSC
- Chilean Seafood Exchange
- Fish and Shellfish Identification - CA Dept. of Fish and Game
- FishBase
- List of Canadian Acceptable Common Names for Fish and Seafood
- Native Fish Australia
- Regulatory Fish Encyclopedia - US FDA
- Species Identification - Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Comm.
- Species Information - Maine Dept. of Marine Resources
- Standard Fish Names in Australia - Seafood Services Australia
Species Information
- Benefits of Farmed Salmon Outweigh Risks - Purdue
- Farmed or Wild? Both Types of Salmon Taste Good and Are Good For You (2010)
- Farmed Salmon: Caught in a Numbers Game
- Global Assessment of Polybrominated Diphenyl Esthers in Farmed and Wild Salmon (2004) - ACS
- Global Assessment of Organic Contaminants in Farmed Salmon (2004)
- The Myths and Realities of the Salmon Farming Industry in BC
- Opinion of the CONTAM Panel Related to the Safety Assessment of Wild and Farmed Fish (2005) - European Food Safety Authority
- PCBs Anatomy of a Health Scare in Salmon - STATS
- Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDES) in Fish, Fact Sheet - Health Canada
- Review by Charles R. Santerre, Ph.D. - Purdue U.
- Salmon Study in Science Magazine - UK Food Standards Agency
- American Fisherman's Research Foundation
- Issues Regarding Mercury in Pacific Northwest Seafood - Oregon State University
- Oregon Albacore Commission
- Pacific Albacore Tuna - West Coast Region, NMFS
- Pacific Fishery Management Council, Highly Migratory Species: Tuna
- Recommendations for On-board Handling of Purse Seine-Caught Tuna - USTF
- Recommendations for On-board Handling of Purse Seine-Caught Tuna (Spanish) - USTF
- Status of Albacore Tuna in the Pacific Ocean (Laurs and Dotson, 1992)
- Tuna Council - About Seafood
- Tuna Encyclopedia - Atuna
- Tuna Handling and Refrigeration on Purse Seiners (1985) - NOAA
- Western Fishboat Owners Association
- What You Need to Know About Mercury in Fish and Shellfish (2004) - FDA and EPA