- The ABCs of PCBs" Know Your Catch (English, Spanish, Polish and Chinese) - Illinois-Indiana Sea Grant
- Chemical Contaminants - USDA
- Comment on "Global Assessment of Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers in Farmed and Wild Salmon"
- Contaminants in Fish and Seafood, A Guide to Safe Consumption - Booklet
- Contaminants in Fish and Seafood, A Guide to Safe Consumption - PowerPoint
- Fish Advisories - OEHHA, California
- Fish Consumption Advisories - US EPA
- National Forum on Contaminants in Fish - US EPA
- San Francisco Estuary Institute - Toxic Chemicals Documents
- Seafood Safety - National Academy of Sciences
- Alaska Seafood Radiation Safety Talking Points - Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute (Apr, 2011)
- FDA Import Alert 99-33 (Detention Without Physical Examination of Products from Japan Due to Radionuclide Contamination)
- Radiation Safety of Food Products from Japan - Q&A - FDA
- Radioactive Fallout from the 2011 Japan Nuclear Plant Accident - IUFOST
- US Seafood Safe and Unaffected by Radiation Contamination from Japanese Nuclear Power Plant Incident - EPA/FDA/NOAA